
Last night, I took to the Senate floor and joined the millions of voices across this country in defending voting rights. Unfortunately, we fell short of the votes needed to move this legislation ahead.

But let me be clear: I appreciate all of your support and work the past week fighting for voting rights. We came up short, but we won’t stop sticking up for democracy.

Despite a rash of voter suppression legislation we’re seeing in a number of states, including Montana, not a single Republican senator joined me in protecting our democracy. These bills and laws don’t make our elections more secure, they weaken our democracy and strip people of their right to make their voices heard.

I won’t stop fighting for common-sense protections for every eligible American’s voice to be heard at the ballot box. History is watching us and I am encouraging my colleagues to do the right thing.

If you agree and still believe our democracy is worth defending, please sign this petition.


Thanks for standing with me, and for making your voice heard.

— Jon