Frontier Communications
After months of bargaining, mobilizing, and the threat of a strike, CWA members at Frontier Communications in Connecticut (CWA Local 1298) and New York (CWA Locals 1170, 1111, and 1122) reached a tentative agreement on Monday. The new 3-year agreement includes wage increases, elimination of two-tier medical plans, and protection of call center jobs, and it retains the current 401(k) matching and pension plans. This win follows a tentative agreement reached by Frontier members in California last week. The members wrote thousands of emails to Frontier executives, participated in countless rallies, and engaged members of the public and elected officials. These agreements are reflective of the power the members generated by actively mobilizing and fueling the strength of their bargaining committees.
Dish Network
Last week, after a long organizing battle and bargaining that spanned over a decade, workers at Dish Network (CWA Local 6171) ratified their first contract, becoming the first group of workers in the country to successfully negotiate a contract at Dish. This is a major victory for CWA and other Dish workers around the country who are fighting for a voice on the job.
The new 2-year agreement covers network technicians and warehouse employees and includes promotions for all technicians who have completed 12 months of service at their current Tech Level, modified requirements for promotions by eliminating the need for quality assurance inspections and safety inspections, up to two hours off on work days for workers to vote during elections, just cause language, a grievance procedure, wage increases, improved working conditions, and more.
The workers have been bargaining for a first contract since 2010. Throughout this long battle for a voice on the job, they withstood countless attacks from the company including an anti-union campaign, several NLRB court fights, illegal firings and intimidation of workers in retaliation for their efforts to gain a fair contract, and more. The company went as far as attempting to decertify the union at two separate times during the negotiations. Both were defeated by the workers who voted to keep their CWA representation.
This win is a testament to the passion and determination of the leadership and staff of CWA District 6, CWA Local 6171 President Travis Pirotte, and the members who together held rallies, leafleated, engaged members of the public to put pressure on their employer, and never backed down from the fight.
New York Magazine
After more than two years of negotiations, workers at New York Magazine, members of the NewsGuild of New York (TNG-CWA Local 31003), have reached a tentative agreement on their first contract. The framework includes a $60,000 salary floor, raises of over $20,000, guaranteed annual raises, and more.
Park City Mountain Ski Resort
Last week, workers at the Park City Mountain Ski Resort reached a tentative agreement after months of bargaining. During negotiations, the workers held several rallies to inform the public and put pressure on their employer to deal more favorably with the union. When the workers felt like a strike was imminent, they reached out to their community and began a solidarity fund. The group raised over $100,000. This demonstration of community support invigorated the members and put pressure on the employer to negotiate a fair contract.
Piedmont Airlines
After months of bargaining, mobilizing, a strike vote approved by a 100 percent of the members, and a successful public pressure campaign, AFA-CWA Flight Attendants at Piedmont Airlines reached a tentative agreement last week. Highlights of the new agreement include signing bonuses, substantial pay increases, a series of work rule improvements, and retention of the members’ healthcare plans.
Over the last four months, NABET-CWA’s Network Negotiating Committee (NNC) has been participating in multiple rounds of negotiations with ABC for a fair contract. However, the company keeps responding largely with indifference to the members’ demands. ABC rejected a packaged proposal by the NNC that would have given the company considerable scheduling flexibility in exchange for increased scheduling protections for daily hires. Even with the additional burden members are facing because of the pandemic, ABC’s proposals provide less job security, less rest, stagnating compensation, and vague future job opportunities. The bargaining committee has heard the members’ demands loud and clear and has incorporated them into their proposals. They are determined to keep fighting at the bargaining table for what the members deserve.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services

Last Wednesday, workers at the Middlesex County Board of Social Services in New Jersey (CWA Local 1032) and supporters took to the streets despite the frigid temperatures to demand health and safety protections from COVID and a good contract.