Three hundred and sixty five days ago, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris raised their right hands and were sworn into office. It was a big, bright, hopeful day that arrived just two weeks after one of the darkest days in American history.

After some of the recent setbacks in the US Senate, it is easy to be frustrated. I am frustrated, too.

But let us take a moment and review what has happened in just one year of the Biden Administration.

  • More jobs have been created – 6.4 million – than in any year in American history.
  • Child poverty is at its lowest level ever, thanks to our recovery package.
  • Over 200 million Americans are fully vaccinated against COVID, 75% of all adults.
  • 5 million more Americans have health insurance — in the middle of a pandemic!

Finally, as you know, we passed an historic infrastructure plan that is a big, bold investment for the long-term future of our nation's roads, bridges, airports, and ports.

We are fighting climate change, with a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers, upgrades to our electric grid to make it ready for green energy, a major expansion of passenger rail service, and investments in zero- and low-emission buses and ferries.

And we are doing it all by putting hundreds of thousands of people to work in high-paying, union jobs.

We have a lot of work to do. And the setbacks are real. But here is what I know: We should be proud of what we have been able to do together. And we cannot go back.

We cannot let the Republicans take control of the House and Senate. And we cannot let them take back the White House in 2024.

We have work to do. And I am counting on you to help.



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