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Until every veteran has an ID...

Dear Friends,

As you know, our 2022 focus is #FreeIDsForVets, a campaign to solve the problem of veterans living without homes, jobs, or basic care because of a lack of ID. But the conversation surrounding this issue isn't evolving to match the reality. That's also part of the problem.

We've been trying to combat misconceptions when we see them but it can feel insurmountable. Here is just one of countless examples (identifying details have been removed so as to not attract trolls):

Neither of these statements is true. For those who don't know, a DD-214 is one's military discharge papers. This is what's actually required to get a Veteran Health ID Card from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):

What about a regular Veteran ID Card from the VA?

That's why we're so thankful for your support and your readership - we couldn't change this conversation without you.
Donate now to help veterans get free idsIt's also why we're thankful for candidates like Pilar Schiavo, our endorsee running for California State Assembly District 40 who has a deep working knowledge of ID issues and how to increase ID access. Pilar's hosting a birthday phone bank this Saturday, 1/22, from 2-4pm PST. We hope to "see" you there!

With gratitude,
Team Project ID Action Fund


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