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Hello John,

If you think it’s absurd that the wealthiest Americans stopped paying into Social Security on the first workday of the new year, then I hope you’ll do something about it.

If you haven’t yet signed our Urgent Petition to Congress, please take a moment to do it now. And if you have already signed it: Thank you. You’ve taken the first step in ensuring your views are heard at the highest levels of our government. Now please consider making a donation in whatever amount you can afford, so that we can continue our crucial work on your behalf to protect and strengthen Social Security by ensuring that everyone pays their fair share into this program.
Julie Lynch
Member Services Manager


Begin forwarded message:
Sign Our Petition

Dear John,

A harmful policy remains in place that is starving Social Security and threatening the long-term solvency of this vital program. Right now, the Social Security program is leaving billions of dollars on the table — at a time when we should be boosting the program’s solvency — because millionaires and billionaires get away with paying Social Security taxes on just a fraction of their earnings.

Incredibly, the wealthy stop paying into Social Security when they reach $147,000 of income. And for many super-rich Americans, that means they stop paying Social Security taxes on the first workday of the year! But the rest of us have to pay Social Security taxes on every single dollar we’ve ever earned.

Help us right this wrong by signing our Petition today urging your member of Congress to cosponsor the "Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust Act" which would make the wealthy pay their fair share into Social Security. This bill would also give beneficiaries an across-the-board benefit increase.

Today, a Wall Street CEO who makes $18 million a year pays the same into Social Security as someone earning $147,000. This ridiculous tax loophole has disproportionately benefited the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations, while depriving Social Security of much-needed revenue.

That’s why powerful corporate interest groups are fighting this bill tooth and nail to avoid having millionaires pay their fair share of a tax every other working American must pay all year long. So please help us push back against this unfair situation by signing our Petition today!



Max Richtman
President & CEO

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