Hi John,
Thanks for signing up to learn more about our transit in San Francisco. I wanted to personally reach out to you today about a fun opportunity coming up with San Francisco Transit Riders. This coming Wednesday, we're doing a PUBlic transit bar crawl along the 30 Stockton route. It's a great way to explore the city, get good food and drinks, and learn more about what we do here at San Francisco Transit Riders. 

PUBlic Transit bar Crawl with SF Transit Riders
5:30-8:30pm starting at Murphy's Pub, 217 Kearny St
RSVP to reserve your spot

Starting at 5:30pm, we'll make our way through the Financial District, North Beach, and the Marina, stopping at some of our favorite bars for food and drinks along the way.

Hope you can make it!


Zack Deutsch-Gross

Membership Manager

Pronouns: he, him

San Francisco Transit Riders

