Ending child poverty is a policy choice
Netflix’s hit show "Maid" is the reality for hundreds of millions of children and their families worldwide. Some 1 billion children worldwide are deprived of their basic rights, including health care, housing, and education. A staggering one in six lives in extreme poverty – meaning they survive on less than $1.90 per day. Too often, this vicious cycle is escapable only for those whose governments prioritize it or have the financing and support to expand their efforts – by offering child benefits, school meals, and education programmes for children. And cash assistance, childcare services, and affordable housing for parents. Read the blog post by Sólrún (Sola) Engilbertsdóttir, Ruth Graham Goulder, Seda Karaca-Macauley, and David Stewart.
Podcast: A fair chance in life for everyone
By Poverty Unpacked
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Olivier de Schutter discusses why and how to tackle the persistence of poverty in this podcast episode.
Tune in.
News highlights and events
Women and Children in a Changing World – Focus on climate change
By WeWorld
WeWorld periodically monitors the living conditions of women and children in about 170 countries around the world, considering their inclusion from multiple points of view. The seventh edition of the WeWorld Index evaluates forms of inclusion and exclusion of women and children capturing their living conditions in more than 170 countries in the world. The focus of the 2021 edition is dedicated to climate change and to its effects on women’s and children’s living conditions. Read the full publication, explore the interactive map and watch the launch event recording.
Investing in children isn't a luxury, it is an economic necessity
By African Child Policy Forum
Executive Director of African Child Policy Forum Dr. Joan Nyanyuki urges the governments in Africa to take action against child poverty and invest in essential services. Read the opinion piece.
New UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Extreme Poverty (APPG) was launched in October 2021
BRAC UK is the Secretariat of the APPG. The group will be assisting with the UK’s International Development Committee’s inquiry into extreme poverty. The deadline to submit evidence is February 18, 2022. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in learning more and follow APPG on Twitter.
Child poverty in Argentina more than doubled in the first half of 2021
By Equity for Children
In the first half of 2021, child poverty in Argentina increased by 55 per cent, while extreme poverty rose by 17 per cent. The increase was largely associated with the reduction in employment after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Access to digital technologies gained significance during this time. However, 5 million children in urban parts of Argentina lacked computers at home. To find out more about monetary poverty and non-monetary deprivations in Argentina, read more.
Multidimensional child poverty index launched in Sri Lanka
Supported by OPHI and UNICEF, the Department of Census and Statistics in Sri Lanka launched the first national multidimensional poverty index (NMPI) and child multidimensional poverty index (CMPI). Check out the briefing to learn more about the main findings.
Caring for families, caring for economies
Social protection and family-friendly policies are essential for children and caregivers. They are also proven investments to address child poverty and gender inequality. "Caring for families, caring for economies, addressing the crisis of poverty and care" session at the Global Forum for Children and Youth, hosted by UNICEF, shone a spotlight on the urgent challenges that are facing children and young people in the world. Check out highlights from the statements of leaders from around the world on Twitter and watch the session on YouTube.
A child-led campaign encourages children to cherish life’s treasures
By Tapori International – ATD Fourth World
Children’s network Tapori International, within the ATD Fourth World, launched the 'Searching for our human treasures' campaign. The campaign is composed of six newsletters that will be sent to children all over the world encouraging them to find their own treasures and cherish them. Tapori groups bring together children living in poverty as well as children not living in poverty, to create a movement of friendship and solidarity across borders. Read more.
The Sustainable Development Goals Academy for Children
By Arigatou International
Arigatou International is launching the Children’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Academy, as a safe space for children to learn more about the SDGs through simplified and easy-to-use learning tools. The Academy is modeled into 5 hubs including, knowledge, capacity, innovations/solutions, dialogue, and faith/fun. Children will learn, reflect, and come up with ideas and solutions geared towards contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. Find out more.
The Children’s Solutions Lab
By Arigatou International
Arigatou International launched the Children’s Solutions Lab as a meaningful space and a participatory process for children from different backgrounds to come together to understand, dialogue, and act towards ending child poverty through solutions focused on education. Read more about this initiative from the annual report.
Child rights: through COVID and into recovery – new and changing norms
By the Institute of Development Studies
As part of the Rejuvenate project, the Institute of Development Studies is hosting a series of grounded dialogues. The session on 12 January 2022 focused on child rights in the context of COVID-19. Find out more.
Tackling the causes of child labour in Bangladesh
By the Institute of Development Studies
A blog post by Keetie Roelen and Neil Howard delves into social protection interventions in Bangladesh and introduces the bottom-up and relational approach of working with individuals, families, and communities to achieve a better life and reduce the worst forms of child labour. Read more.
Domestic violence, economic woes: the intertwined menace for women
By World Vision
Limited economic opportunities for women lead to fewer options and perpetuate intergenerational poverty. It can also lead to an increased risk of domestic violence, as women and girls without adequate financial resources may have limited options when looking to escape the cycle of violence. Read more from Dr. Tendai Chigavazira’s blog post.
Call for Abstracts
By the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI)
The Planning Committee of the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) announces the Call for Abstracts of the 8th Conference “Children's Rights and Opportunities in an Unequal World: Research, Policy and Intervention” which will convene in Gramado/RS, Brazil on May 25-27, 2022. The ISCI 2022 Conference seeks to highlight excellence, innovation and originality in researches with political and practical implications. Academics working in the research of children’s indicators in any country and of any theoretical reference are invited to send research abstracts. Abstract submission deadline is extended until 31st January 2022. You can find out more about the conference.
Cities 4 Children: 2021 in review
By Cities 4 Children
Launched at the World Urban Forum in 2020, the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children was established to tackle the huge challenges and numerous issues faced by children living in urban areas, especially the most marginalized. The Alliance brings together a range of organisations from INGOs, UN agencies, private sector, academia, foundations and people’s movements – all with a track record on working for children rights, health and wellbeing in cities. Learn more about some of the key achievements of the Global Alliance in 2021.
Are hunger and child malnutrition increasingly becoming ‘urban problems?’
By Cities 4 Children
After decades of decline, global hunger and malnutrition are increasing. The rates of malnutrition are especially high among the urban poor, who must often face impediments to food security. While obesity – the ‘other face’ of malnutrition – affects mostly adult urban residents, it also impacts urban children. Read more.
Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Uganda: An analysis of direct income support
By Save the Children
This Save the Children report presents an analysis of social protection in Uganda with a focus on direct income support, including recommendations for the system to undertake reforms in order to be more child-sensitive and benefit future generations. Recording of the launch event available here.
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Case studies
Being Prepared and Acting First: A series of case studies on UNICEF’s role in the delivery of effective social protection responses to COVID-19
Built on two decades of experience providing social protection support to governments, UNICEF’s response to COVID-19 focused on building resilient, shock-responsive, inclusive and sustainable social protection systems in over 115 countries in a variety of contexts, including humanitarian and fragile contexts. This compendium of case studies provides a detailed look at UNICEF’s role in the effective delivery of social protection responses through the experience of eight countries.
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Forward Strong: Ensuring children remained safe, healthy, and able to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic
By the ChildFund Alliance
The COVID-19 pandemic has been an undeniable reminder of how interconnected people are across the globe. The virus has known no boundaries—reaching all ethnicities, social strata, and ages. In more than a year and a half since its outbreak, it has resulted in economic ruin and large-scale illness, and loss of life. To respond to this crisis, ChildFund reached more than 6.8 million people and directed more than $100 million dollars to relief efforts.
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The UNICEF Public Finance Toolkit
This resource guide provides practical information, advice, examples, and resources for the 14 common public financial analysis tools that UNICEF uses in its work with governments and partners to improve spending on essential investments and services for children. It includes information on when and how the tools can be used, with resources and examples, including sector-specific applications as well as how to use tools at the national and subnational level.
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Stay tuned!
- The African Child Policy Forum will publish a new report on “Good Practices on Child-Sensitive Economic Policies in Africa”.
- Social Protection: A Primer
By the Institute of Development Studies
Effective social protection systems are vital to helping those living in poverty to cope with crises and shocks, find employment, and live healthier and more fulfilling lives. Discover this free online course on social protection.
- Savings for Transformation (S4T) eWorkshop
By World Vision
The S4T eWorkshop is a 14-week facilitated online learning programme taking place between 17 August and 22 November 2022, and it is designed to support practitioners whilst implementing their programmes. Find out more and book your place here.
- Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) eWorkshop
By World Vision
The FMNR eWorkshop is a 15-week facilitated online learning programme happening between 8 June and 20 September 2022. The workshop steps participants through the key phases of FMNR using case studies, reflection on practice and group work, drawing on the experience of its participants, and guided by leading FMNR experts. Learn more and register here.
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.