Hi John,

This is one of the most important emails I've written. It's long, because it is so important. In a moment I am going to ask you to contribute to a legal fund which I think will expose Tommy Robinson’s bankruptcy as a fraud intended to deprive a Syrian refugee of the libel payout Tommy owes him. It could be massive, but before I ask, I want to explain.

A few months ago, far right extremist Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon lost a libel court case. He had accused a young Syrian refugee called Jamal of being a bully, of abusing female students at his school. This all happened after Jamal was in a viral video where he was the victim of bullying.

Jamal was already a victim, but Robinson’s intervention turned it from an unpleasant experience to a living hell. His family were put through an awful time because of Robinson's lies, and even feared for their lives at points.

When Robinson lost his libel case, the judge ordered him to pay Jamal £100,000. It's the least he and his family deserve. 

But there's a problem: Tommy Robinson says he is bankrupt. And people who are bankrupt can't pay up.

Here's the thing: we are convinced Robinson is lying. He's not really bankrupt - and we are very confident that we can prove it. And if we can, Robinson will face severe legal repercussions - and Jamal will get the chance of being paid what he is owed.

Here is where you come in. We have most of the evidence we need, but the rest will come through a complex legal investigation. Jamal, and others who are owed money, have requested that an insolvency expert take over the case and conduct a forensic examination of Tommy’s bankruptcy claims. This expert will have powers to access company records and bank accounts and interview under caution - but it will also mean we’ll incur big costs.

To ensure that Robinson’s lies are exposed - and so that Jamal gets the money he is owed - we need to conduct this investigation. We need to raise £50,000 to cover the costs of the insolvency expert and associated legal costs. It's a lot, but if we all club together, we can get this done.

So here’s the ask: every donation will help us reach our goal - and when we win, we’ll all have a sense that we did it together.

I want to make Tommy Robinson pay up

Jamal's life was turned upside by Robinson. He is owed a chance at a new life - and we are all owed the sense that justice will be done, even to Tommy Robinson.

Robinson owes £2 million and after months of research we are confident that we know where he has hidden his money. By bringing an Insolvency Expert to take over the official investigation, we know - with your help - we have the best chance of getting the money from him. On average, when we've asked for donations like this, supporters have given an average of £19.65. That means we need 2,544 people to step up now. That sounds like a lot, but we've done it before, and I know we can do it again.

Tommy Robinson will lose it when he hears we're doing this so we need to move fast.

I want to make Tommy Robinson pay up

Thanks for reading - I'll be in touch with an update soon,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate