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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Shawn Laval Smith Named Killer of UCLA Student Brianna Kupfer, Her Farther Blames Politicans

“Los Angeles County Jail records show Covina police arrested him on Oct. 27, 2020 on a misdemeanor charge. He was released on $1,000 bail. The outcome of that case was not immediately clear. Los Angeles District Attorney George ...

Largest Women’s PAC Political Group Refuses To Support Sinema For Re-election
Senator Sinema is being relentlessly bullied by the Left, in the hope that she will change her mind on the filibuster. Contact Senator Sinema's office and tell her not to support any bill that will weaken or kill the filibuster.

For decades, ...

Socialite Lady Victoria Hervey Says Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton ‘Were Like Brothers’
As demented and perverted as the Clinton's are, consider how corrupt and destroyed all the agencies that protected them are.

Socialite Lady Victoria Hervey says Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton 'were like brothers' and 'loved' being around ...

Poll Shows 45% Of Democrats Approve Sending Unvaccinated To ‘Designated Facilities’, One Third Support Taking Children Away From Unvaxxed
How far are Democrats willing to go in punishing the unvaccinated? Rasmussen Reports that twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 ...

Covid-19 policy: Leading Israeli immunologist writes open letter: “It is time to admit failure”
Israel lost it during the Covid crisis. A country renown for leading the world in medicine, science, technology advances responded to Covid in an almost inexplicable way.

My theory was Israel's irrational response was a reflexive reaction to ...

‘WE FAILED!”: Denmark’s Largest Newspaper Apologizes For Mindlessly Parroting Government Narrative
Not one American newspaper (run by Democrats) have issued such a mea culpa. Enemies of the people.

Danish newspaper apologizes for mindlessly parroting government narrative

By Ian Miles Cheong, Janaury 19, 2022:

A mainstream Danish ...

England Ends Mask and Vaccine Mandate, Czech Republic Does Too, But US Democrats WANT MORE HARSH MANDATES
England ends mask mandates, working from home and vaccine passports. But in many countries, draconian restrictions still apply. So we must continue to campaign to end the mandates, restrictions and vaccine passports in other countries. ...

MORE LIES: FBI LIED About Ending Texas Synagogue Jihad — It Was the Hero Rabbi Who Rescued the Hostages
The FBI did nothing for 12 hours – nothing. What did they want to happen? The Rabbi rescued the hostages. So why did the FBI kill the jihadi? Don't get me wrong, I shed no tears. Were they afraid he'd talk?

Texas rabbi: “The last hour of ...

CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Don’t Work
Like sites like mine have been saying for years. Now what? Instead of freeing the population, they'll dig in their cloven hooves and mandate tighter muzzles.

Related; Forty-Five Years of Mask Studies Prove They're Worthless

CDC Finally ...

The FBI Had Knowledge of Texas Synagogue Jihadi
Once again the FBI's role in the latest jihad terror attack wreaks of clueless complicity. Clearly the Texas jihadi came to the Untied States for the express of committing jihad terror.

There is growing outrage and demand for answers as to how ...

‘WE WILL PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS’: Tom Cotton Discusses America’s Surge in GOP Support
One of the worst mistakes President Trump made was nominating Jeff Sessions for attorney general. If President Trump gets a second chance at POTUS, then he should nominate Senator Tom Cotton for AG. Cotton had been outspoken about confronting Soros ...

Israel, US successfully test Arrow 3 anti-ballistic-missile system
The tech juggernaut Israel continues to take it's missile defense capability to new heights. By doing so Israel is improving America's defenses as well. Israel will be America's number one ally in it's fight to confront China. Most especially after ...

Saudi Coalition Strikes Iran-Backed Houthis After Drone Attack on UAE
When President Trump was in charge of America peace was breaking out in the Middle East. How times have changed. The Biden Administrations pro-Iran policies are setting the Middle East ablaze. The Saudis should immediately establish full diplomatic ...
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