It's your weekly Democratic Dispatch ✨

Introducing #DemsDeliver

Kicking off this week we will be highlighting wins from Colorado Democrats at all levels of government from across the state! Here we will take a moment to recognize how Democrats in office are fighting for the people of Colorado and helping to push our shared values forward.


If you have any wins you'd like featured in the Dispatch and on social media please email me at [email protected] and I'll give you a shout!

Michael Bennet and the Child Tax Credit

Many of us already are familiar with the Child Tax Credit that was passed as part of of the American Rescue Plan, but did you know the leader behind this bill was Colorado own's Michael Bennet?


The fully refundable and expanded Child Tax Credit, provided an average savings of $428 per month for 600,000 Colorado families!


A huge thank you to Senator Bennet for all that he does for Colorado and the country at large!


Read more about how it positively impacts Coloradans here.


How to get tested for COVID19

While some testing sites around the state are being shut down, here are all the ways you can test for COVID in Colorado:

The CDC also recommends switching out your cloth masks with KN95. Here is where to get them free in Colorado.


Voting Rights

The Colorado House and Senate passed measures calling on Congress to defend democracy and pass critical voting rights protections on Tuesday. The measures , HR22-1004 and SM22-001, reassert the validity of the 2020 election results and highlight Colorado’s Gold Standard elections system to the nation as a model for holding free, safe, and secure elections.

Democratic legislators condemned attempts across the country to restrict voting rights, lauded the safeguards in place in our state, and urged action to protect voting rights across the country.


Republicans in the House offered and largely voted in favor of amendments calling into question the election of Joe Biden as president, encouraging states to conduct sham Arizona-style election “audits,” and thanking Representative Ron Hanks and the insurrectionists who attempted to stop the US Congress from certifying the 2020 election certification on January 6.


It's Never too Early to Register to Vote!


The Colorado Democratic Party is launching the 2022 Voter Registration Program, and you're invited!

We will be offering assistance on how and where to register targeted voters that could mean the difference between victory and defeat in 2022.

All Democratic Party officers, volunteers, and candidates are encouraged to attend.


,Progressive Democrats Initiative Monthly Meeting - Thursday, January 27, 7pm



Treating the climate crisis as exclusively about fuel sourcing policy has
led to a demand for "green energy" resources that threatens the earth and
the native peoples who seek to protect her.  It's far more than that.

Join the Progressive Democrats of Colorado at our monthly meeting with
special guests,Colorado US Senate Candidate Karen Breslin, and Gary
McKinney, "Land Defender and Water Protector" fighting to protect ancestral
homelands that include Peehee Mu'huh .

This is not a campaign event, and our guests will bring out issues that are far more
involved than replacing fossil fuels with "green energy," and dive into the
world of environmental politics. 

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.


When: Monday, January 24th 6-7PM


Want to reach your community and help spread our Democratic values? Make sure to sign up for Letter to the Editor class! Hosted by Gery Gerst!


Gery Gerst will provide us with guidance on how to write an effective letter-to-the-editor, things to consider, and emphasize it's a great way to use your voice on issues that matter to you.


Gery earned his Masters of Education from Western Washington University. He has over 45 years of teaching experience in history/civics, M.Ed. programs, and giving civics history tours.


CoDEI January Program Meeting

When: Friday, Jan 21 1:30 - 3:30


Welcome to 2022! Our first program meeting of the year will focus on school funding. We'll take a look at the latest developments at the Joint Budget Committee and Interim Committee on School Finance with Chair Rep. Julie McCluskie, and then turn to long efforts with Lisa Weil from Great Education Colorado.


The time has come to vote for the 2022 Obama Gala Awards!

 We received numerous nominations from folks all across our great state to come up with our nominees for the awards! While we were flattered that a number of Colorado Dems staff and Democratic political staffers were nominated for these prestigious awards, paid staff aren't eligible to receive the awards (but thank you for thinking of us 😃 ! )




Join us in celebrating the 2020 and 2021 Election accomplishments! Join old friends and meet new allies from across our state to kick off the work needed to elect Democrats across Colorado in 2022. Space will be limited due to COVID-19, so tickets will sell out FAST! Buy your ticket or become a sponsor *now* before the year is over!Or join us for a virtual option!


Email [email protected] to join our scholarship waitlist.

Looking to be a sponsor this event? Click here!


We have a few openings here at the party. Please apply or send these to someone who you think would be a good fit!


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