We couldn’t agree with Morgan more!
Making early investments in our kids is critical. Having access to Universal Pre-K is just the first step to putting Kentucky’s kids on a lifelong path to success.
In Frankfort, Morgan has fought for years to make Pre-K available to Kentucky’s hardworking families. Now, Morgan is taking the fight for Universal Pre-K to Congress, and we’re behind him every step of the way! Will you chip in $10 right now to help send Morgan to Washington?
This is our chance to do something great for Kentucky’s kids. Universal Pre-K has been proven to lead to higher graduation rates and better cognitive development for small children. And when more than 100,000 women in Kentucky are staying out of the workforce because they can’t afford childcare, this is a boost to working parents as well. For our kids and our economy, this kind of investment in family-supporting policies is the kind of progress we need to see.
It’s the kind of progress that Morgan will fight for in Congress.
Will you chip in to bring Morgan’s fight for Universal Pre-K to Congress?
– Team McGarvey