Elizabeth Warren's speech on the Senate floor last night was brilliant. She did not read the phone book. She did not read Green Eggs and Ham.

Instead, she unleashed a fiery defense of voting rights -- and then read reporters' accounts of real voter suppression stories from real people all across the country. Key moments:

"Let’s be blunt...American democracy is under attack from Republican politicians."

"Republican dark-money networks are bankrolling voter suppression efforts with hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying and advertising."

"Senate Republicans would rather destroy our democracy than have free and fair elections."

"Today’s filibuster doesn’t encourage debate, it promotes cowardice."

WATCH Warren's speech here. Then, chip in $3 to our work to protect and expand the Senate Democratic majority so Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema don't have a veto.

And, please share Warren's speech on Facebook and on Twitter. Senate Majority Leader Schumer has scheduled action on voting rights protections this week.

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren's Floor Speech on Voting Rights

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