John: Donald Trump is gaslighting the American people. We need a huge surge of grassroots support to kick Trump out in 2020. Can you chip in $7 right now? Your contribution will make a tremendous difference >>

Trump’s Twitter rants are completely unhinged:

  • He’s LYING.
  • He’s trying to INTIMIDATE.
  • He’s proliferating FALSE CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

John: Trump is TERRIFIED that Nancy and Democrats will hold him accountable, and he’ll lose the White House in 2020.

We have less than a year to make sure Trump’s fears come true, so we don’t have to endure another four years of his Administration. But we can’t wait until the eleventh hour to take action. We’re already working around the clock to lock up our 2020 victories.

You’ll want to be part of the movement that’s going to to kick Trump out of the White House. Chip in $7 to send Trump packing in 2020 >>



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