We stayed indoors to protect one another. Yet while loved ones died, were buried or gave birth alone - the Prime Minister partied. He broke the law and he should resign - but that can't be the end of the story.


It was a work event. It technically fell within the guidance. Ok, it was a party, but he was furious. It was a party and yes, he did attend - but he didn't know it was against the rules because nobody told him.

We've had excuse after excuse after excuse 🤦

We stayed indoors to protect one another. Yet while loved ones died, were buried or gave birth alone - the Prime Minister partied. He broke the law and he should resign - but that can't be the end of the story.

When thousands of people have been prosecuted for breaching restrictions, why hasn't he?

So far the Metropolitan Police have refused to investigate. Jenny Jones has been on the case, writing to Cressida Dick to put pressure on the Met to investigate.

But we need your help...

This week's success in the House of Lords, protecting the right to protest, shows what we can achieve when we campaign together ✊

Our petition demanding the police investigate the Downing Street parties has thousands of signatures, because we deserve the truth. Add yours - sign here!

Thank you for your support.


-- The Green Party