
I wanted to make sure you saw my team’s email from a few weeks ago. We just had a meeting, and our ground game is smaller than it should be. We still need $1,400 to grow our Field Team, and I am counting on you to pitch in and help my team and I in our efforts to keep our seat in the House! 

My Field Team is essential to our campaign outreach. They go door to door, expand our base, and work so hard to bring in new voters for our election. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of them to hit our goals before our PRIMARY ELECTION, which is less than six weeks away! 
The Left is prepared to do whatever it takes to win this year, and we can’t let them get ahead. There’s no doubt the Democrats will have their team running around and spreading misinformation. So, while my Field Team works harder than ever to bring the truth to Texans, will you rush in a donation and help me grow Team Van Duyne?
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne
---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Team Van Duyne
Date: Tues., December 21, 2021 at 3:00 PM
Subject: Help Fund our Field Team

Going door-to-door, talking neighbor-to-neighbor, and engaging with folks in their neighborhoods is critical for any successful campaign; this hard work brings new voters to our side, expands our base, and shores up support as we head into next year’s elections!

However, hiring Field Reps is expensive, which is why we’re asking if you could pitch into our Ground Operations Fund so we can reach even more North Texans on our way to flip the House in 2022!
The Democrats won’t make the same mistake they did in 2020. They are sure to have thousands of paid operatives swarming North Texas this next year, and with the fake news media already on their side, we’ll have to work twice as hard. Thankfully, Beth is no stranger to a challenge, and she will never back down to the radical Leftists trying to push their policies on Texas.

There are only a couple of weeks left to go before the New Year, and showing we have the support and the resources we need to win next year is more crucial than ever. Can we count on you to help?
For Texas and America, 
Team Van Duyne