John, I wanted to make sure you saw this urgent call to action – right now, the Senate floor is packed with lawmakers, proof your calls are making a difference!
We anticipate a key Senate vote on the Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act this evening, followed by a likely vote to change Senate rules and fix the filibuster.
Please call your senators at 1-833-497-4273 before then, so that we can build the critical mass we need to defend our democracy >>
John, I’m going to be direct: we need an immediate full mobilization to get every senator we can muster on the floor of the United States Senate, speaking out in favor of voting rights.
You’ve probably already called your senators to demand their support for voting rights legislation – and thank you for doing so. But now, there’s an additional action we need them, and you, to take.
That’s because before the Senate’s all-important vote later this week on voting rights legislation and any adjustments to the Senate’s filibuster, our legislative team tells me we need as many senators as possible to give a floor speech in support of voting rights – showing the country what is at stake, and who is on the right side of history.
The more we can show support for voting rights – and the longer we hold the floor – the harder it is for opponents to justify their efforts to block a final vote on the bill. We need our senators to leave everything on the field, even if that means canceling their upcoming recess.
That’s the only way to build the critical mass we’ll need to break through the filibuster – by getting every senator who supports this bill to go on the record in support of doing whatever it takes to pass it. Plus, it will put massive pressure on the few Democrats remaining whose votes we need, and those who have not yet spoken publicly on filibuster reform
That’s right John – no matter what state you live in, your call can make a major difference in how many senators take the floor to speak in support of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. It keeps the pressure on and shows even supportive senators how important the issue is to you.
Please call 1-833-497-4273 today to let your senators know you are counting on them to speak out in support of this bill on the Senate floor and to do everything possible, including adjusting Senate rules.
In case you missed the news last week, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act is a bill containing the voting protections we fought for the last few months, combined and packaged so that they can finally come up for debate in the Senate.
The bill that senators are debating right now would include protections for eligible voters, nationwide standards to ensure ballot access, provisions to help end gerrymandering, breaks the grip of Big Money’s influence, and safeguards against partisan election sabotage – and it repairs and strengthens the Voting Rights Act.
Thanks to your overwhelming support, the House passed this bill and Majority Leader Schumer was able to FINALLY get these provisions debated in front of the full Senate.
And, in the coming hours, the Senate will hold a decisive vote on whether to adjust the filibuster rules in order to send it to President Biden’s desk. Our legislative team is giving me minute-by-minute updates, and they say these next 24 hours will make all the difference.
That’s why it’s critically important that every senator who supports this bill goes on the record and holds the floor. Each hour of support, each speech in favor makes it that much more difficult for senators who stand between this bill and passage – including those who would place arcane filibuster rules above allowing a popular majority to vote on crucial legislation to protect our democracy.
But they’ll only take this sort of bold, public action if they hear directly from constituents like you. Will you call your senators today at 1-833-497-4273 and urge them to speak out on the Senate floor in defense of our democracy?
Thank you for your immediate mobilization,
Izzy Bronstein, National Campaigns Director
and the rest of the team at Common Cause
P.S. Want to keep fighting? We organize calls to voters in key states almost every evening, talking to them about voting rights legislation and connecting them with their senators >>