Log On at 12:15 pm ET/9:15 am PT to Give VAWA a Boost

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Reminder: Virtual Rally Today

January 19th, 12:15pm - 1pm ET

Day of Action for the Violence Against Women Act with lead Senators and Angelina Jolie

Join Futures Without Violence and the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, with special guest Angelina Jolie and Senate sponsors, to help us reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The virtual rally is part of a Day of Action to ask Senators to pass the bipartisan Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization now.

​​​​​​JOIN THE VIRTUAL RALLY at 12:15 pm ET/9:15 am PT HERE!

THEN JOIN THE TWITTER STORM AT 1:00 ET/10:00 PT using the hashtag #VAWA4ALL

CALL YOUR SENATORS: Before, during, or after the rally, call or email them using this link.

Spread the word:

Click to tweet: By supporting a strong #VAWA4ALL, we ensure that the economic, social and basic needs of survivors are addressed. Reauthorization will invest in and improve the response to the needs of communities across the country. Our nation must commit to ending gender-based violence now.

Click to tweet: I support the reauthorization of #VAWA. It will invest in prevention and respond to the needs of diverse populations, including an investment in culturally specific programs. We need to protect ALL survivors now and a strong #VAWA4ALL.

Thank you for all you do!
In solidarity, 
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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