'Silicon Savannah' Kenya targets loan apps abusing customer data

Digital lenders have boosted access to credit in Kenya but some are using 'predatory' practices to profit from the poor, consumers and authorities say

Ghana's farmers arm against freak weather with crop insurance

An updated insurance programme pays out when harvests come up short, stopping farmers from falling into poverty due to drought or heavy rains

Booming NFT art market plagued by 'mind-blowing' fraud

As the NFT market explodes into a $25 billion industry, artists worry that lax oversight is leading to a digital art world flooded with fakes.

Why are there no openly gay players in elite men's tennis?

Novak Djokovic is not the only notable absence at the Australian Open - no openly gay or bisexual men are taking part in the tournament.

U.S. to demolish more blighted homes with pandemic aid

Federal COVID-19 aid offers ‘once-in-a-lifetime resource’ to revitalise post-industrial cities like Flint

After sun-dimming setback, geoengineers seek a diplomatic fix

A snub for a high-altitude Harvard University project to dim sunshine last year has spurred down-to-Earth diplomacy in 2022 to solve solar geoengineering research disputes


OPINION: Why ESG investors need to think twice about Amazon

Although Amazon’s ESG profile is far from perfect, the company is still a favorite for many on Wall Street.

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