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Wednesday, January 19th, 2022


Israel Confirms Vaccine Fail Against Omicron: All Vaccine Mandates Must End Now

Vasko Kohlmayer

Former Bay Area Lockdown Guru: ‘OK Everybody Please Stop Locking Down Now’


Observations From an Experienced Nurse About the Covid Vaccines

Steve Kirsch

Behavioral Control

And the end of the American dream. Robert W Malone MD, MS

Washington Refuses To Hear Russia and China

Thierry Meyssan

The Murdering of Free Speech in America

Issues & Insights

A Diligent Worker

Bionic Mosquito

Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in Its Omnipotence?

Paul Craig Roberts

Boiling the Frog

Jeff Thomas

Nobody’s Fault But Mine

Bionic Mosquito

Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates

Brian C. Joondeph, MD

Pfizer To Roll Out Omicron Shot in March

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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