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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

PPI President Will Marshall for The Hill:
Biden faces down Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a Siberia-sized chip on his shoulder. He hasn’t gotten over the unraveling of the once-mighty Soviet Union, which he served as a KGB agent, and he doesn’t think the West pays sufficient attention to Russia’s security interests.

What’s a strongman to do? Threaten war, of course. Putin has amassed over 100,000 troops on Russia’s border with Ukraine, which Russia has already invaded once (in 2014) to forcibly annex Crimea.

As Ukrainian forces continue to battle pro-Russia separatists in the country’s Donbas region, a second invasion is a plausible threat. To defuse it, the Biden administration dispatched diplomats to meet their Russian counterparts in Geneva Monday. At Russia’s insistence, neither Ukraine nor European nations were invited to this parley, an omission that reflects Putin’s disdain for Europe and nostalgia for Cold War-style summitry. 

Biden faces down Putin
by Will Marshall, President of the
Progressive Policy Institute

for The Hill

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New Research from PPI Shows Harmful Impact of the Klobuchar-Grassley Antitrust Bill to American Consumers and Competition

Today, the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) released a new research deck on how Senators Amy Klobuchar and Chuck Grassley’s anti-tech antitrust bill, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, could do irreparable harm to the services and products millions of Americans rely on every day.

“The bill is notable for combining very broad language, very heavy penalties, and very narrow grounds for affirmative defense,” said Dr. Michael Mandel, Vice President and Chief Economist for the Progressive Policy Institute. “The problem is that this three-way combination goes far beyond imposing normal compliance costs and regulatory burdens, creating huge financial and business risks for even ordinary business decisions.

What Does the American Innovation and Choice Online Act Mean for Consumers and Competition?
By Michael Mandel, Progressive Policy Institute; John Scalf, NERA Economic Consulting; and D. Daniel Sokol, University of Southern California Gould School of Law
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Hot Off the Press

Politico got the scoop on PPI's newest hires! Welcome Sarah, Stuart, Jordan, and Malena: 

Vice News: US Oil Production Will Surge to an All-Time High in 2023

"Increasing demand for oil and resulting emissions growth demonstrates the urgency of passing the electric vehicle and other clean energy incentives in President Biden’s climate plan as soon as possible,” Paul Bledsoe, a former Clinton White House climate aide now with the Progressive Policy Institute, told VICE News. “But Biden must also walk a political tightrope right now of keeping inflation down and gasoline prices modest to help consumers until climate legislation makes EVs more affordable, accessible, and easy to charge.”

Vice News

Center for Biosimilars: Robert Popovian, PharmD, MS, Discusses Biosimilar Progress and Education in the United States

In this interview, Tony Hagen, senior editor for The Center for Biosimilars®, talks with Robert Popovian, PharmD, MS, who serves as chief science policy officer at GHLF, about a recent podcast series the group did to promote wider understanding of biosimilars. Popovian provides his impressions of progress toward biosimilar availability in the United States and the value of biosimilar education for patients and providers.

Center for Biosimilars

Don't Miss These PPI Events:


Join PPI Vice President and Chief Economist Michael Mandel and other experts to discuss the Great Transatlantic Data Disruption, how it will affect the U.S. and European economies, and what can be done. 

RSVP for Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 9:30 AM here



Join PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project (RAS) tomorrowJanuary 19th at 1:00 PM ET for an hour-long virtual webinar on the growing movement for a constitutional right to quality public education in America.
The webinar is part of a series co-sponsored by the Progressive Policy Institute, The 74, and Education Civil Rights Now. 

RSVP here
New on the Pod

ICYMI – Paul Bledsoe, author of a new PPI report titled "The Role of Natural Gas in Limiting European Union Emissions: Key Opportunities to Cut Methane, Coal and CO2" sits down to explain the major implications for U.S. and global climate policy, as well as some of the key recommendations from the report.

Neoliberal Podcast host Jeremiah Johnson recounts the best books from 2021, including books on gentrification, political organizing, economic growth, comedy's role in society, economic dynamism, the history of evolution, and much more!

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