Let’s tell CVS how we really feel about them exploiting MLK Day and covering up what they’re actually doing.

National Nurses United

My name is Mari — I’m an organizer on the MFA team, and I help lead our Medicare Para Todos program. I wanted to make sure you saw something brazen and disrespectful that happened yesterday.

In honor of Martin Luther King Day yesterday, CVS shared on social media that they were “addressing racial inequality through several areas, including access to health care.” They even included an image with the text, “Health care is a right.”  

But here’s the thing. Instead of supporting the solution that we know would address many racial inequalities in our health care system and truly make health care a right – CVS has spent $5 million dollars trying to undermine Medicare for All, which would guarantee care to 30 million uninsured Americans — half of whom are Black, Indigenous, or people of color.

If CVS truly wanted to address racial inequality in health care or believed that health care is a right, they wouldn’t be spending millions on dark money lobbying groups to spread lies and advocate against Medicare for All.1

Together, we’re going to tell CVS how we really feel about them exploiting MLK Day and covering up what they’re really doing – which is working to block Medicare for All.

Can you post a response to CVS’s MLK Day post on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to call out their lies and help spread the truth about CVS’ anti-Medicare for All efforts?

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Here are some sample comments you can use, but something in your own words is always best: 

The truth is that in our current broken system, people of color consistently receive less than adequate health care treatment and services. They are less likely to receive job-based health insurance and are most likely to live in medically underserved areas. 

Medicare for All would address many of these issues, but companies like CVS Health are actively fighting against it. We’re up against powerful corporate interests to bring true racial justice in health care, but together we can fight back and demand that our politicians listen to us, not dark money groups. 

Please add your voice now by sharing your response to CVS’ lies on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Thank you for speaking out.

Mari Lopez
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All

P.S. Not on social media? If you would like to opt-out of future emails that include social media-related calls to action, you can do so here.

1 - The Intercept