From Tom Schatz <[email protected]>
Subject The Secret Socialist Schemes of the Radical Left
Date January 18, 2022 10:21 PM
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If the Far Left has its way, government-run, socialized medicine
is coming to America through Medicare for All&hellip;

Unless you and I stop it dead in its tracks.

It has failed all around the world, and make
no mistake -- it will completely destroy our healthcare system
and bankrupt our nation.

If Medicare for All is enacted into law:

You'll have to wait months to see a doctor.
The prescriptions you need won't be available. Your current
health insurance will be gone.

And your life-and-death healthcare decisions
will be ripped out of your hands and given to federal

That's why we have to fight back -- and we
need Americans like YOU to fight back NOW!

Will you donate $35 today to help Citizens
Against Government Waste fight back against Medicare for All?

Your immediate help is needed because Far
Left politicians are using the Coronavirus pandemic as an excuse
to ram through this government takeover of our healthcare system.

You can tell everything you need to know by
who is pushing this disastrous scheme: Socialist Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

And, of course, the fake news media is all
too happy to spout the radical Far Left's talking points.

But if people know the truth, it will fail.
The facts are:

Medicare for All will force massive tax
increases for all
taxpayers - including you.

Private health insurance plans for 200
million Americans will be eliminated - even if you like your
plan, you certainly won't get to keep it.
Your healthcare will be rationed -
meaning much longer wait times for routine care and even denials
of care based on your age.
Nameless, faceless bureaucrats will be
making life and death decisions for you and your loved ones.

With its $32 trillion-dollar price tag and
the Medicare program already going broke in a few years, Medicare
for All will completely bankrupt the country.

So please, join our fight to kill this
Socialist scheme by donating $35 today.

And let me tell you - there is no better
group than Citizens Against Government Waste to lead this
critical fight.

We've been cutting waste in Washington for
the past 38 years. In fact, for every dollar contributed, we've
generated more than $9,000 in waste cuts!

Our success is only because of patriots like
you. With more than one million members and supporters, we're
America's #1 taxpayer watchdog group, and that means politicians
have to listen to us.

But this is one of our toughest fights yet

Medicare for All is a top priority for the
Far Left and they are going ALL OUT to get it done.

Because they know, if they get it passed, it
will be nearly impossible to undo - making YOU dependent on the
government and giving them power over YOUR own health decisions.

That's why we cannot leave anything to
chance, so you and I must act to kill Medicare for All now.

With your help, Citizens for Government Waste
will alert more patriots like you to this threat and mobilize
them to take action.

And we'll continue to hold politicians' feet
to the fire in Congress, letting them know millions of Americans
won't accept a hostile government takeover of our healthcare.

But we cannot stop Medicare for All without
your help ...

If you don't want to wait months to see your
favorite doctor ...

If you don't want federal bureaucrats to
decide which treatments and drugs you can use ...

If you don't want to lose your private
healthcare plan &hellip;

And if you don't want your taxes to skyrocket

Then I'm asking you to take critical action
today with a $35 donation to Citizens against Government Waste.

Together, we will stop this Socialist scheme,
save our healthcare, stop America from going broke, and ensure
that YOU keep control of your own medical decisions.


Tom Schatz, President
Citizens Against Government Waste

P.S. President Biden and the radical Far Left
are using the Coronavirus pandemic to try and ram through
Medicare for All, which will destroy our healthcare system and
bankrupt our country.

Under this Socialist scheme, you'll have to
wait months to see a doctor, your life and death medical
decisions will be made by federal bureaucrats, you will lose your
private healthcare plan, and your taxes will skyrocket.

So please, join me to kill this government
takeover of our healthcare by giving your generous,
tax-deductible donation of $35 today.

Donate Today

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is
the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than 1
million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3)
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating
waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.
Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable
contributions to the extent permitted by law.

©2022 Citizens Against Government Waste. All
rights reserved.


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