The debate on voting rights begins today.

Hey there,

In light of the Senate beginning debate on voting rights today, we wanted to bump up this note from Jon to the top of your inbox.

It’s hard to overstate how important this issue is. When Republican state politicians make it harder for specific communities to vote, our democracy suffers. That’s why Jon is doing everything in his power to get this voting rights package through the Senate to safeguard our free and fair elections.

So please, take a moment to read the note below from Jon, and then consider signing on to his petition demanding the Senate take immediate action.

Thank you. There’s not a moment to waste.

— Team Tester

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jon Tester <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2022
Subject: Not an overstatement
To: [email protected]

Our democracy is being undermined by new anti-voting laws, folks.

That’s not an overstatement. It’s a fact.

The rash of voter suppression legislation we've seen across a number of states — including Montana — isn't making our elections more secure. It's making our democracy weaker.

That’s why the Senate must take immediate action on voting rights. We need to restore people’s ability to vote, and we can do it: by protecting same-day registration to creating common-sense standards for voter identification to increasing protections for folks in all of our communities — including voters that call Indian country home here in Montana.

The truth is, if we don’t act now, Republicans are going to continue to do everything they can to limit access to the ballot box. And our democracy will suffer.

That’s why the Senate needs to act now to defend the voting rights of every eligible Montanan, and every eligible American. If you agree, I hope you’ll consider signing on to my petition today.


For the last month, my colleagues and I have been working hard on voting rights legislation, which would protect access to the ballot box, safeguard our free and fair elections, and ensure every eligible voter can make their voice heard.

I’m ready to keep fighting to get this over the finish line — but I can’t do it alone. Thanks for standing with me, and for making your voice heard on this crucial issue.

— Jon