Dear CDF Faith Community,
While at-home COVID-19 tests become available through the federal government on January 19, we need to ensure that stakeholders, especially the most marginalized, have access to the testing resources they need.
Faiths4Vaccines is partnering with the Biden-Harris Administration and National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) to provide early access for highly impacted communities to receive at-home testing kits.
Testing orders submitted on the NACHW website today will be screened based on a “social vulnerability” and COVID-19 risk factor ZIP Code list required by the White House. Those who qualify will receive prioritization for COVID-19 testing kits. Please note, the system will identify those who do not qualify under the COVID-19 risk factor ZIP Code list and will be unable to place orders until the White House test portal opens on January 19.
We need the support of the faith community to share this critical information at a local level. Bring your community peace of mind by sharing this information today!
Glen Vinson Jr.
National Organizer, Faith Communities