The fight for our planet and the fight for our democracy are one and the same. We're sending a message to every single member of the Senate: if you don't support voting rights, we won't consider supporting you.
Help us hold lawmakers accountable by
renewing your LCV membership today, all it takes is $5 »
The threats to our environment and democracy are interlinked — our nation's biggest environmental challenges and the attacks on our democracy are both combated with greater civic participation. That's why, last week, we joined a group of major election and advocacy organizations to
send a warning to senators: the groups including LCV Action Fund — LCV's connected PAC will only consider endorsing candidates who stand up for every person's right to vote and for pro-democracy measures, including the: -
Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act
- Protecting Our Democracy Act,
- and the Washington, DC Admission Act.
Democracy is non-negotiable. A healthy, functioning democracy where all people — especially those who have been historically targeted by voter suppression efforts, including young people and people of color — can participate freely and equitably is necessary to address climate change, protect our communities, and deliver environmental justice.
Together, we can draw a line in the sand saying loud and clear to the people who are supposed to represent us:
we demand free and fair elections.
But that message is only as powerful as our membership. We cannot secure the climate progress we need before ensuring fair and safe elections for all of our communities, regardless of race, income, or zip code.
Friend, we need your support to pass pro-democracy bills, create healthier communities, expand clean energy, and so much more. Please,
renew your LCV membership, all it takes is $5 to support our critical work. And, if you give today, your contribution will be triple matched through the end of the month.
Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters