Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)

From the moment COVID-19 appeared, the pandemic became inseparable from politics. A US-subsidized altered virus likely escaped from a level-4 security virology lab in Wuhan, China. Their weaponized disinformation campaign surrounding this fact has Democrats worried about the 2022 mid-term elections—very worried. READ MORE »
K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Greatness)

If Gov. Gavin Newsom has his way, will California be the first state to provide universal, single-payer health care access for all residents, regardless of legal status? Newsom has also just proposed a $2.7 billion COVID “emergency response package” that would boost testing, accelerate vaccination and booster shots, and “battle misinformation.” Both announcements have more to do with the 2022 midterms than people might think. READ MORE »
Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro (The Washington Times)

Consumed by the fantasy of safe and effective gene vaccines, the Biden/Fauci administration promises to save us from a nonexistent omicron danger. Accordingly, today we declare our independence from these fools and urge all of our fellow citizens—vaccinated or not—to do the same. It might just save the human race. READ MORE »
Jonathan Hofer (The Hill)

Go to San Francisco, once America’s most beautiful city, and you’ll see homelessness on a scale unequaled in American history. Substance abuse is a key driver of the problem, and harm reduction can help—but it must be done the right way. Contrary to San Francisco, the city of San Antonio is showing us how. READ MORE »
Jayanta Bhattacharya and Tom Nicholson (Wall Street Journal)

‘Follow the science,” we keep hearing. Would they please just do it? Twice in less than a year, for example, Duke University’s ABC Science Collaborative collaborated with Duke’s press office to make bold claims about the efficacy of masking children in schools based on studies that didn’t include an unmasked control group. When will the disinformation stop? READ MORE »
By Phillip W. Magness (National Review)

Before the “1619 Project” there was the “New History of Capitalism” project, and, unfortunately, it’s still with us. Its overarching message? “Capitalism derives from slavery,” and our national reckoning with it means permanent government intrusion in the economy. But the slave-plantation system was an exercise in central planning—obviously. Can the academy get any more delusional? READ MORE »
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