From Senate Conservatives <[email protected]>
Subject Ron Johnson Makes It Official
Date January 18, 2022 5:03 PM
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Ron Johnson announces his re-election campaign for Senate in Wisconsin.
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Senate Conservatives Fund
Ron Johnson (R-WI)

Senate Conservatives Fund is proud to endorse Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin for a third term in the United States Senate.

Johnson has been a principled fighter on key issues like spending, debt, and immigration. That’s why we supported him in 2010 when he took on the DC Establishment in the Tea Party revolution.

We're jumping in to help him again because he needs the support of every conservative in the nation to win. The Left has him in their sights and the GOP establishment cannot be trusted to defend him.

In 2016, Mitch McConnell and the GOP's top brass abandoned Johnson late in the campaign when the “experts” thought he was done. But thanks to the grassroots in Wisconsin, Donald Trump’s leadership, and Ron’s fighting spirit, he won anyway, without the Swamp's money and support!

Now, he needs help again. Please join us in supporting Senator Ron Johnson today. ([link removed])

You can donate directly to his campaign through our website and we will pay all processing fees so he can spend 100% of your contribution on voter contact.

Few leaders in Congress have done more than Johnson in the last two years to fight for the truth and stand up to the Covid fanatics.

▶︎ Johnson was an early leader on the need for effective early Covid treatments. The media and the Democrats laughed, but now many have been forced to agree with him!

▶︎ Unlike many Republicans, Johnson has defended the rights of people who choose not to be injected with the new Covid shots – protecting their jobs, their health care, and their educations.

▶︎ He led Congress’s most vigorous investigation of Hunter Biden and the corruption inherent in his “family business.”

▶︎ He has fought back against the false media narratives about the January 6 riot and asks the right questions about what the FBI knew, and when they knew it.

These are fights that establishment Republicans have ducked, sidestepped, and even joined with the other side. Ron Johnson has stood tall and that’s why the woke socialists are coming for him.

Democrat campaigns and PACs will spend tens of millions of dollars in Wisconsin to destroy Sen. Johnson. He knows – and we know – the GOP can’t be trusted to defend him.

Conservatives will have to do it ourselves.

Please support Ron Johnson today with a generous contribution to his campaign. ([link removed])

Johnson has been a champion for election security since before the outrage in 2020. He knows that local Democrat election officials can be just as corrupt as anyone else, and has urged Wisconsin Republicans to fight for real reforms to protect our republic from another rigged election.

He has been a tireless advocate for the unborn, for gun rights, and for free speech in the fight against Big Tech censorship. On issue after issue, when woke elites have tried to trample Americans’ liberty, Ron Johnson had stood in the breach, upholding his oath to support and defend our Constitution.

He has earned our trust and won our support. SCF is proud to stand with Johnson again in 2022. ([link removed])

Johnson is the Democrats’ top Senate target this year. They don’t want him back in the Senate, with a majority and a gavel to start subpoenaing the FBI, Dr. Fauci, the teachers' unions, and the rest of the bullies who have put their party ahead of their oaths of office. They’re going to tap their billions on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley, and corporate lobbyists.

Conservatives have to fight back. And we have to start fighting today – for Ron Johnson and for America. ([link removed])

Thank you for considering this urgent request and for doing so much to help build a conservative Senate.

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
@MaryVought ([link removed]) / @SCF ([link removed])

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

Contributions to the Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.
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