Welcome Vinita Goyal!

The San Francisco Transit Riders is thrilled to announce Vinita Goyal as the new Executive Director of the 11-year-old organization that strives to champion the “voice of the rider” in San Francisco, the city with the most transit riders in the Bay Area. Vinita has been the Interim Executive Director of the San Francisco Transit Riders since September 2021.

In the brief time she has been with the organization, Vinita secured an up-to-three-year grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, co-led staff to a successful End of Year Celebration with Rider Appreciation Awards at a North Beach venue and worked towards developing a strategic vision for SFTR.

"San Francisco Transit Riders has a crucial role to play in reimagining what an improved infrastructure in the city might look like and there are several priorities: centering the needs of transit riders, particularly the ones that have been historically neglected, and identifying new revenue sources for funding efficient and equitable transit options. Serving as an Interim Executive Director during these past few months, I have been excited about collaborating on SFTR’s pathway towards these priorities. Within this permanent role at SFTR at the start of the new year, I remain excited about the potential to continue leading the organization through this period of growth and development and work on addressing systemic disparities through building capacity and leadership in communities, advocating for policy changes and prioritizing place-based investments as near-term solutions."

— Vinita

Before joining SF Transit Riders, Vinita trained as an architect and urban planner, focused on aligning place-based infrastructure improvements with community needs and aspirations, particularly for vulnerable populations who can be adversely affected by planning and development. Through each role, Vinita worked hard to center and validate the personal and community-based experiences of those most impacted by these challenges, and highlight how partnerships are a key way to engaging people to create alternate methods.

“We are so excited to have Vinita Goyal joining us as our Executive Director,” said Dominique Monie, Co-Chair of the San Francisco Transit Riders. “She has already helped us make huge strides in her short time as interim Executive Director, and she is well deserving of the full-time position. We know that with her at the helm, our grassroots organization will become an even stronger advocate for equitable and efficient transit in San Francisco. We could not be more pleased.”

Vinita joins the organization with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will be instrumental in furthering our goal for equitable public transit for all. During her career, Vinita worked in many fields including transportation, affordable housing, small businesses, arts, placemaking, sustainable agriculture and climate resilience. Throughout her academic and professional experiences, Vinita has held a wide range of responsibilities that will be beneficial to her role as executive director.  


Board Directors Dominique, Thea, Steve, Mike, Peter, Camille, and Serena 

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]

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