Arise Update

In This Issue...

January 18, 2022


Carol Gundlach, a woman with short grey hair looks towards the camera

Arise legislative recap: January 18, 2022

The Alabama Legislature is back in session, and Alabama Arise will keep a close eye on policy developments in the coming months. Arise's Carol Gundlach previews the state budgets and discusses the rare opportunity our lawmakers have to create a more equitable Alabama using federal relief funds. 

Alabama AriseSix ways Alabama should use ARPA funds to build a better, more inclusive future

On our blog, Arise's Carol Gundlach further highlights how Alabama can use funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to serve the most underserved Alabamians. Our state has the opportunity to fund long-term improvements in health care, housing, public transportation and other unmet needs.


Alabama Arise: LIVE BLOG: Alabama’s 2022 legislative session

Stay up to date with the 2022 legislative session. Our website has a live feed of Alabama Arise’s Twitter account, which will display information related to our 2022 issue priorities as well the latest news from our staff and members of the media.


Alabama Daily News: PARCA report makes financial case for Medicaid expansion

The Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama released its report on the financial impacts of Medicaid expansion last week. The report indicates that Medicaid expansion would have an economic impact of $1.89 billion per year over the next six years. Arise's Jane Adams explains that according to polling, most Alabamians support Medicaid expansion. You can find the report here (opens as PDF). 

Further reading:

Montgomery Independent

Alabama Arise: Fact sheets on Arise's 2022 issue priorities

Arise policy analysts assembled nine fact sheets to break down our issue priorities and more issues that lawmakers will discuss in this legislative session. 

Bills we're watching

Alabama Arise tracks legislation related to our members’ interests. You can find our Bills of Interest here

Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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