I wanted to send you a quick personal note and ask if you'll chip in any amount that makes sense for you to support our campaign for U.S. Senate.
I knoooow, I know. It’s another donation ask, and if you’re rolling your eyes at me, that’s OK. Between Gisele and the kids, I’m kind of used to it. 🙄
But maybe you can give me a minute just to remind you why we send these emails in the first place. 🙏
First of all, I *seriously* believe that leaving this country better than my generation found it is possible. That belief is what got me into public service to begin with.
And it's why, alongside my incredible family, I decided to join this race for Senate (and start sending you an obnoxious amount of email) 😂
As much as we try to put the FUN in FUNdrai$ing with our emails, the stakes couldn’t be more serious in this race. The slower our online fundraising gets, the more ground we risk giving up to GOP opponents like Dr. Oz.
That’s not an option for us, especially not when Republicans and their super PACs have already spent more than $11.4 million on TV and radio ads…
Ok, alright, I'll let you get back to what you were doing. But before you go, I’m hoping you’ll take this note to heart and send a few bucks our way to help make sure we can take this fight all the way to the floor of the U.S. Senate, no matter how many PACs try to outspend us. ❤️
You don’t have to love these emails, even though I think they’re pretty awesome. The important thing is, every time we send an email like this, some of yinz chip in. And person by person, day by day, it powers our entire historic grassroots campaign.
Thank you for being a part of this.
— John
John Fetterman
Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania