Booming NFT art market plagued by 'mind-blowing' fraud

As the NFT market explodes into a $25 billion industry, artists worry that lax oversight is leading to a digital art world flooded with fakes.

Ghana's farmers arm against freak weather with crop insurance

An updated insurance programme pays out when harvests come up short, stopping farmers from falling into poverty due to drought or heavy rains

China car sector falling short of 'net zero' goals - Greenpeace

China's massive car sector will need to cut emissions by at least 20% by 2035 if it is to stay on track towards net zero by 2060 according to Greenpeace

Europe misspent business energy savings funds, auditors say

The EU regards curbing energy use as essential to meeting goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions but the funding to support businesses to do so has not been effective

Why are there no openly gay players in elite men's tennis?

Novak Djokovic is not the only notable absence at the Australian Open - no openly gay or bisexual men are taking part in the tournament.


OPINION: We must use the African Free Trade Agreement to boost economies

Africa has always been a continent of vast potential. To unlock it, we should be focusing on collaborations, knowledge and technology exchanges between African states.

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