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One step backward: US to assist French in failing African counter-terror ops

By Alex Thurston on Jan 18, 2022 03:27 am

Just because Biden is trying to patch things up with Macron doesn't mean he should continue to fuel a dead-end policy.
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Humanitarian assistance doesn’t give militarism a free pass

By Kate Kizer on Jan 18, 2022 03:00 am

The United States has often helped create — and missed opportunities to prevent — circumstances that require emergency aid.
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In dark foreign influence ops, time to take down chess masters as well as pawns

By Ben Freeman on Jan 17, 2022 03:40 am

The DOJ just charged a man in New York with spying on critics of Egyptian President al-Sisi. But what about the guys pulling the strings?
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The Farkas effect: When the Blob mobilizes for war

By Doug Bandow on Jan 14, 2022 03:12 am

A former State Department official pens an article calling for an 'international coalition of the willing' to go to battle with Russia.
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Did this week’s US-NATO-Russia meetings push us closer to war?

By Anatol Lieven on Jan 13, 2022 10:49 am

Washington's insistence on digging in over NATO expansion and pushing sanctions is setting up a major disaster for both sides.
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Did Biden help the Saudis turn the tide in their favor in Yemen?

By Annelle Sheline on Jan 13, 2022 09:31 am

If he thinks supporting the Kingdom's efforts to take territory will help achieve a ceasefire, he's likely in for a surprise.
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Deconstructing the Saudi narrative on the war in Yemen

By Aisha Jumaan on Jan 12, 2022 03:00 am

Recent economic growth in Sana’a raises questions about just who is the main driver of the humanitarian crisis.
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