NEWS NUGGETS CHOICE THIS WEEK News Nuggets of the Week as Selected by Edda West, The Medical Witch Hunt ![]() Dr. Meryl Nass’ license suspended for treating patients with Ivermectin – ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation for spreading COVID ‘misinformation’ - “Dr. Nass is renowned for treating difficult and complex chronic undiagnosed illnesses. She has never been accused or charged with malpractice in 41 years of medical practice and only had one complaint to the Medical Board (15 years ago) by a patient who subsequently apologized once he discovered the treatment he received was excellent.”
To read Dr. Meryl Nass' side of the story, as well as read and watch more of Edda's other Featured News Nuggets this week, use the link for the full version below. OUR OTHER CHOICES THIS WEEK ![]() Unified Grassroots Invites Alternative Strategies to Manage Pandemic
On January 10, 2022 Unified Grassroots hosted a live zoom presentation that was attended by numerous MPs and MLAs across Canada. The goal was to provide potential alternative strategies to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters included Dr. Peter McCullough, Lieutenant Colonel David Redman, Dr. Roger Hodkinson and Dr. Francis Christian. VIDEO Ronald McDonald House Evicts Unvaccinated Families – Call to Action
In a letter dated January 10, 2022, Leslie Louie, Senior Director Family Services with Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon issued a statement imposing COVID injections upon everyone five years of age and older who are staying, visiting and working at RMH. These violations and the creation of a medical apartheid must not be tolerated. Read HERE. VCC LIVE
BROADCASTS THIS WEEK VCC LIVE TUE Tue, Jan 18th, 8 pm PT Open Discussion Join us to catch up with each other and share stories of action and encouragement. VCC LIVE WED Wed, Jan 19th, 7 pm ET Naomi WOLF ![]() Naomi Wolf is a prolific author. A number of her books are relevant today including - The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, and Give Me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries.
In her 2008 book, End of America, Naomi Wolf outlined the 10 steps those in power use to close down democracies. Sadly, she writes today, as governments use the pandemic to justify the suppression of civil rights, America is now in the throes of 'Step Ten.' Read her article entitled, We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism.
In anticipation of our time with Naomi Wolf, please watch - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever.
Website: VCC LIVE THU Thu, Jan 20th, 7 pm ET Open Discussion Join us to catch up with each other and share stories of action and encouragement. VCC LIVE SUN Sun, Jan 23rd, 12 pm ET Dr. Gabriel COUSENS ![]() Holistic psychiatrist, homeopath, family therapist, ayurvedic practitioner, Chinese herbalist and doctor of divinity. Dr. Cousens will be sharing new findings about radiation and the injections. The idea of radiation contamination from the “vaccine” is not to displace the extreme importance of the pathogenic effect of the spike protein. Rather, it is to heighten awareness of the bigger picture of the extreme toxicity of this injection, and to provide a
viable solution to this assault. UPCOMING VCC LIVE BROADCASTS Thu, Jan 27th, 7 pm ET James CORBETT ![]() James started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an outlet for independent critical analysis of politics, society, history, and economics. Since then he has written, recorded and edited thousands of hours of audio and video media for the website, including a PODCAST and several regular online VIDEO series. Website: UPCOMING VCC LIVE EVENTS Wed, Jan 26th, (biweekly) 12 pm ET Seeds of CONNECTION An opportunity for VCC members to connect with each other more deeply and personally. Co-hosted by VCC member, Andrew MacDonald, and board members, Joel & Margaret Sussmann. The next biweekly Zoom session will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 26, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm ET. Participation is by registration only. Register HERE. DID YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST? Recordings of interviews with our guest speakers are posted on the VCC video channels. Find them here: Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon, Librti.
Ananda More - Jan. 12 Watch Trailer For Her Film: Website: Video Link: Will be available soon Mark Crispin Miller - Jan. 5 Video Link:
A fabulous resource that ought to be shared with every parent navigating the COVID shot decision. Addresses not only the COVID shot but all shots. RESOURCE
No. There is no discernible difference between outcomes of infection or hospitalization for kids in communities where face masks are required in school and those where face coverings are optional. Read HERE.
This guide describes the types of illnesses associated with injection and how doctors are managing them. Read HERE.
Watch Max Igan's 2022 VIDEO.
The Honourable Brian Peckford (the only remaining author of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms) has made a recommendation to all Provincial Premiers that they request a judicial determination as to the constitutionality of their COVID measures by the Supreme Court of Canada. We fully support The Peckford Recommendation. Please sign and share with your MLA and MP at:
David Solway examines the ethical concepts underlying current pandemic policies. Read HERE.
The Covid vaccine question is more complex than the media or the government and public health would like to acknowledge. At its core, the vaccine decision is a civil rights issue. Read or download the Whitepaper HERE.
![]() Vaccine Choice Canada, in collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, has established a ‘Guardians of Truth and Freedom’ campaign to support the doctors, nurses, researchers and other health professionals who are standing up for our medical rights and freedoms. All of the proceeds directed to the ‘Guardians of Truth and Freedom’ fund will go to support these warriors of truth, science, and ethics. To donate to the ‘Guardians of Truth and Freedom’ Campaign go to:
![]() If you would like to volunteer for this initiative, contact: [email protected] DEFENDING NATURAL IMMUNITY
This course, developed by Larry Cook, provides a logical, sequential way of looking at vaccination and natural immunity and how to raise a vaccine free child. We will introduce one part each week and invite you to engage in this material on a weekly basis. The third course is: Vaccine Efficacy Failure.
A message for anyone feeling fear. VIDEO
Jordan Peterson previously told his viewers to get vaccinated, but now is having doubts. He states - Overreaching bureaucrats are the biggest health threat of our time. VIDEO DEFENDING
Daniel Bulford of Mounties For Freedom, addresses hate speech by Trudeau. VIDEO
Dr. Robert Malone explains how the media, big tech, big pharma & government are controlling the flow of information & systematically silencing scientists, doctors and experts. He states: “What we’re experiencing is a coordinated media warfare, the level of which we have never seen before.” VIDEO
With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face. Read HERE.
A worldwide nonviolent resistance movement to free ourselves from elite control and resist the forces of fear and dehumanization. The time has come to choose – are we on the side of love, life and freedom or fear, self-imprisonment and tyranny? Check out their website:
Jordan Peterson discusses the nature of evil, distinguishing it from tragedy, and presenting his ideas on how both the former and the latter might be most effectively dealt with. VIDEO FROM THE VCC
This 2014 article by Edda West makes evident that the assault on our freedoms is not new. Edda declares - “The state has no business telling us what we must think, believe, read, eat or what medicines we and our children must take. Such imposed conformity is antithetical to the ideals of a free society.” Read Edda's editorial on the VCC website HERE.
CHAPTER EVENTS BC Lower Mainland Chapter Potluck - Saturday January 29 - 1 to 4 PM at a South Surrey farm. Bring your own everything: food to share, dish/utensil, water and chair. Please RSVP Queenie for address. [email protected] COMING EVENTS International Day of Prayer of Freedom - Jan. 22 Join the world on January 22nd for a day of prayer of freedom. STAY INFORMED The World Council for Health is a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. Join their weekly meetings every Monday. WEBSITE Druthers - Read their December edition HERE.
Common Ground - Read their December, 2021 edition HERE. ![]() "QUOTE OF THE WEEK" "The style of leadership needed is different than leadership in the past. Our challenges today are too complex to be resolved by a top down style of leadership. What is required
is a leadership that demonstrates courage in the face of adversity, innovation and creativity in the face of complexity, and humility and receptivity in the face of difficulty."
- Elizabeth Debold from "The Business of Saving the World"
![]() VCC SOCIAL MEDIA & CHAPTER INFORMATION VCC has alternative platforms that don't censor us and support free speech and truth. Please join us on Telegram, MeWe, Gab, Parler and Librti. You can also join us on any of the Social Media links below.
For VCC Members: Private Email Group - If you would like to join a VCC member only e-mail discussion group for Canada, Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and/or BC, please send an e-mail with your request to [email protected] specifying which group(s) you would like to join. You can unsubscribe at any time, and there is an option for a daily digest of e-mails. THE VICTORIA DECLARATION Please sign and share the Victoria Declaration. This compelling declaration, available in several languages, is in support of standing up for our inherent rights and freedoms. Please read, sign, copy and share with your network. A note about privacy - by registering you agree to participate in a Zoom call open to member, subscribers and their contacts. Information shared during the Zoom call is available to all participants, including images, your name, chat or oral comments and questions. Please use your own discretion since VCC cannot guarantee your privacy. Suggested steps you can take if this is a concern: please consider using your first name only or an alias; keep your video off; and refrain from sharing personal identifying details in the chat. Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered, volunteer run, not-for-profit educational society dedicated to helping families make voluntary, fully informed, and health-conscious choices. This information is for educational purposes and is not intended as legal, health or medical advice.