Vulture Conservation Foundation news bulletin
December 2021

Vulture conservation and the VCF in 2022

Together with the help of our supporters and partners, we achieved many vulture conservation triumphs in 2021. As we welcome the new year, we are ready to rise to all the challenges that lie ahead. We have already set ambitious vulture conservation goals relating to our work on captive breeding, monitoring, tackling threats, research, and reintroduction and restocking.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement – we will do our best to make 2022 yet another vulturific year!

Vulture conservation goals 2022

Latest news about Europe's
vulture species

Bearded Vulture

Guadalentín: Progress of the new Bearded Vulture captive breeding season

Establishing efficient conservation actions for the Bearded Vulture population in Southern Africa: synthesis of a 20-year research program

The new Bearded Vulture breeding season kicks off in Andalusia

Highlights 2021: Bearded Vulture conservation


Egyptian Vulture

Results from releasing captive-bred Egyptian Vultures in the Eastern Rhodopes in 2021

What happened to the five Egyptian Vultures released in Italy this summer

Highlights 2021: Egyptian Vulture conservation

Results from the wolf and hunting dog interaction study in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park and adjacent areas

Cinereous Vulture

Highlights 2021: Cinereous Vulture conservation

Results from the wolf and hunting dog interaction study in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park and adjacent areas

Griffon Vulture

Highlights 2021: Griffon Vulture conservation

Results from the wolf and hunting dog interaction study in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park and adjacent areas

Latest news from our
vulture conservation projects

The BalkanDetox LIFE project, led by us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, aims to strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries.

Latest news
Appropriate response to poisoning incident prevents mass mortality of 18 Griffon Vultures in North Macedonia


LIFE Safe for Vultures, led by the University of Sassari, is a new project acting as the first step to the restoration of the vulture guild in Sardinia. 

Latest news
Latest survey demonstrates population boom for the Griffon Vulture in Sardinia

Vultures Back to LIFE, led by Green Balkans and the Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna, aims to reintroduce the Cinereous Vulture back to Bulgaria since it was declared extinct in the 1980s. 

Latest news
Disabled Cinereous Vulture pair gets new chance to contribute to the species conservation

Saving 18 Griffon Vultures from a potential poisoning incident in the Balkans
After our local partners MES became aware of a poisoning incident with dogs in the Republic of North Macedonia, they immediately responded to the scene, mobilising the authorities. The situation became more critical when data from the BalkanDetox LIFE's intensive monitoring tool indicated that Griffon Vultures were preparing to land nearby. The team on site acted accordingly and managed to prevent the vultures from coming in contact with the poison, saving their lives!
Read the story
Latest survey demonstrates population boom for the Griffon Vulture in Sardinia
The new LIFE Safe for Vultures project recently conducted a survey revealing reproductive success, productivity and population growth for the Griffon Vulture in Sardinia!
Read all the details
Update on Rüppell’s Vulture Vouzela

Vouzela, the first Rüppell’s Vulture tagged with a GPS transmitter in Portugal, has already arrived in Africa, made good progress south, and travelled thousands of km to reach Senegal.

Explore Vouzela's travels 
We here at the VCF follow the movements of several vultures as part of different projects. You can track the movements of all the European vulture species we tagged within our different projects and regions by visiting our online public maps

Bearded Vulture online maps
Cinereous Vulture online maps
Egyptian Vulture online maps
Griffon Vulture online maps
Photo credits: Hansruedi Weyrich, Bruno Berthemy, Vulture Conservation Foundation, LIFE Safe for Vultures and Rui Telmo Romão.
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If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Eleni Karatzia, Events, Outreach and Communications Officer.  

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