
We have been super busy on the campaign trail! Here’s a quick update on what we’ve been up to, some future events, and suggestions on what you can do to help accelerate Senator Grassley’s retirement.

First, I want to thank everyone who has donated to the campaign this month and before our end-of-year deadline. These deadlines are real. The ‘health’ of the campaign is a function of how well we attract donors so that we may make payroll, set aside advertising money, and invest in the ground game to get out the vote. I am confident that this will not only be a competitive race, but that we will be victorious because of supporters like you. Thank you for your generosity.

Last week, we made stops in Union and Jasper Counties at their monthly meetings where I spoke and answered questions. Yes, I enjoy the question-and-answer sessions. They help you connect with how I think about things and they help me understand the issues most important to you. You can read more about our stop in Creston here. We were also able to check in with the Johnston Area Democrats and joined numerous county parties across the state via evening Zoom sessions.

If your County party is holding any upcoming events or if you are interested in hosting a fundraiser or a meet and greet, please email us at [email protected].

We've also been sitting down with local and national press to discuss my campaign. In case you missed it, check out the Iowa Starting Line article where I shared my thoughts on the somber anniversary of the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

I also had the opportunity to sit down with Nick Hayen of the Oriental Express podcast to talk about how foreign policy impacts the lives of everyday Iowans. Listen to the full interview here.

If you are interested in writing a letter to the editor in support of this campaign, please email [email protected], and our team will help get your letter published. And thank you for being part of this statewide grassroots campaign.

The endorsements just keep a’coming. We recently added State Senators Jackie Smith and Herman Quirmbach, State Representatives Sharon Steckman and Steve Hansen, and Linn County Supervisors Ben Rogers and Stacey Walker to our growing list of endorsers.

And today, we celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yet, if Senator Chuck Grassley had his way back in 1983, we would not be making the connection of Dr. King’s message and today’s assault on voting rights in dozens of states. Grassley is one of only two sitting senators who voted against then-President Reagan from making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a federal holiday.

We cannot allow lifetime politicians, like Senator Grassley, to undo the work of Dr. King. No one wants the Jim Crow 2.0-type laws the Republicans are pushing on entire sectors of society. As your Senator, I trust the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will solidify Dr. King’s legacy.

In closing, below is a list of upcoming events. Yes, you are invited to any event you desire; we’d enjoy seeing you. If you ever have questions or want to invite the Admiral or a staff representative to an upcoming event, please email us at [email protected]!


If we’re going to take on Big Pharma, rein in Wall Street, address the climate crisis, and actually pass progressive legislation, we must protect (and expand!) our Democratic majority in the Senate. That starts with defeating Chuck Grassley and turning Iowa blue this November.

Again, I am so grateful to have each and every one of you on the team. Let’s get this done!

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)