![]() Patriot, I once wrote that “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.” Ever since Joe Biden took the presidency, Big Tech – Facebook, Twitter, and Google, which owns YouTube – have been unleashed to crack down on any who dissent from the official government narrative, whether on health care, the 2020 election, or any other topic the regime considers inconvenient. “The Purge,” as many commentators aptly put it, began with Donald Trump, then the sitting President of the United States, being banned from Twitter. Two days ago, Facebook banned me from communicating to my 1.2 million followers for “at least” 90 days. My speech crime? I shared an interview with the CEO of Pfizer, who said in his own words that two of his company’s COVID shots “offers very limited protection, if any,” against COVID-19. ![]() The so-called “missing context” that Facebook’s “fact-checkers” claim justifies banning me from interacting with over a million followers is that the drug company CEO was “only” referring to the Omicron variant that makes up 95% of new COVID cases in the United States. This was my second sanctioning by Facebook in just over a year. And of course, I’m only one of thousands of voices that Big Tech has silenced. Earlier this month, Dr. Robert Malone, one of the foremost contributors to the development of mRNA technology upon which all of the COVID vaccines depend, was banned from Twitter. According to Twitter, he was banned for “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.” Also, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s personal account was banned from the platform, and Twitter provided the same explanation: repeated misinformation. Yet the post Twitter alleged was “misinformation” was nothing more than rhetoric: “It’s 2022. After 2020, we crossed into a new time dating method. BC and AC. Before Covid. After Covid. We are moving into the third year of AC,” Greene wrote. She was de-platformed over nothing more than an observation on the passage of time. COVID facts are not the only topic banned from social media. Anyone presenting facts that dispute the official story of the November 2020 election are swiftly banned from YouTube. Another prominent account, “Nancy Pelosi Portfolio Tracker,” was banned from Twitter in December after reporting unpleasant facts about the House Speaker’s remarkable acumen for stock trades. ![]() Twitter claimed, without evidence – and falsely, according to the organization behind the account – that they had broken the rules against “platform manipulation and spam.” All of these anecdotes – and there are hundreds more, if not thousands – point to the obvious conclusion that these Big Tech platforms are knowingly and intentionally engaging in politically motivated censorship. The double standard is obvious. Countless politicians from the left have taken to the streets and threatened violence on Twitter and Facebook. . . Just consider the violent rhetoric on Twitter leveled at my son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), from leftists who oppose him! Some, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), even used Twitter to promote bailing out rioters. Patriot, now more than ever, we must refuse to allow our voices to be silenced by Big Tech. Unlike my Facebook and Twitter accounts, Campaign for Liberty is my platform where we are somewhat immune from political censorship – because I can reach you directly. And Campaign for Liberty is no mere soapbox. For 13 years and running, Campaign for Liberty has been training, organizing, and mobilizing patriots for liberty – and holding politicians accountable. We will not be silenced. Support Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution TODAY, so we can fight back stronger than ever. We are witnessing the Biden regime wage an unprecedented war on the American people. Those who defend the right to clean elections are labeled “domestic terrorists.” Those who defy lockdowns, mask mandates, and the forced taking of experimental vaccines are accused of being disease-spreading killers. Those who defend the Senate filibuster, a 200-year tradition that serves as a xxxxxx against one-party radical rule, are labeled racists and white supremacists. Just today, the Houston Chronicle published an op-ed in which the author claimed, “Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema provide cover for many neo-Dixiecrats in Congress.” The radical left needs no facts or evidence. Such libel is published, and slander spoken, by the liberal mainstream day after day. And large parts of the American public are being ginned up by the lies and hatred. A shocking Rasmussen poll just found that 59% of Democrat voters support confining the unvaccinated to their homes, 45% think they should be put in concentration camps, 47% think the government should track them, and 29% think their children should be taken away from them. 48% think the government should be able to fine or imprison those who question the efficacy of vaccines. I suspect a poll of Big Tech employees would yield even higher figures. These are the forces that Campaign for Liberty is battling every day. We need your help to keep making the fight. I’m censored on Facebook now, but we will rise stronger than ever before. Support Campaign for Liberty with a generous contribution TODAY. Big Tech exerts enormous influence over how the world gets its news and information. We need every patriot to speak out and share the truth. But most of all, we need to organize, we need to mobilize, and we need to build our own networks to restore and defend liberty in America. Campaign for Liberty is our national network, and we need your support today! Thanks for all that you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Big Tech censorship isn’t just an attack on free speech. It’s an attack on our ability to organize and mobilize. We simply must fight back hard than ever. Please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |