Run for Your Community in 2022. Learn How This Week.
This year's midterm elections will be crucial for the future of our community on key issues like affordable housing, conservation, K-12 education, public health and other social services.
While we're fortunate to have great incumbents running, there are several opportunities for new candidates to step up.
This week, Wyoming Democrats are offering two chances to learn about running for office at the town, county or state levels. The seminar will also cover the range of free resources and training that the party provides to Democratic candidates.
Wyoming Democrats "Run for Office" Candidate Seminar
Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 12:30 p.m.
Register on Zoom
Thursday, Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.
Register on Zoom
Consider joining (advance registration is required), or if you know someone who'd be a great candidate, please pass this info along. Several offices are salaried with benefits, and we are here to support you throughout the campaign.
This year's filing period for candidates is May 12 to May 27. If you're interested in running for office, email us at [email protected] so that we can answer questions or get you started.
Save the Date: Potluck, Trivia Night and Food Drive on Feb. 17
Thursday, Feb. 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center
Local COVID situation permitting, we'll be holding a winter potluck, themed trivia night and food drive at the Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center next month. Stay tuned for more details!
Sign Up to Volunteer at the Senior Center
Friday Feasts at the Senior Center of Jackson Hole
Third Friday of Each Month, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to join the pool of food servers from Teton Dems. You will be contacted each month to accept or decline the obligation.
We know everyone is busy and that’s why we need to increase our pool of volunteers. If you can be available even just a few Fridays of the year, please email Marylee White at [email protected].