
If my opponent Senator Chuck Grassley had his way back in 1983, we would not be making the connection of Dr. King’s message and today’s assault on voting rights in dozens of states. Chuck Grassley is one of only two sitting senators who voted against then-President Reagan from making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a federal holiday.

Dr. King lost his life because he spoke out against hate and racial segregation. He demanded the equality guaranteed by the Constitution for all citizens and inspired a civil rights movement that make us a better nation. His work continues, but restricting voting rights, a regressive trend now favored by many State Legislatures, runs counter to Dr. King’s legacy.

Senator Grassley stands out having voted against Dr. King’s message to make every American’s voice heard equally. Once again, things have changed in America, yet Grassley wants to stay in office to push his 1950’s ideas on everyone for another six years. Whether it is the color of your skin, your economic status, where you live, or your language, rolling back access to voting is an affront to every American.

The best way to carry the torch of Dr. King’s legacy is for Congress to pass key legislative bills, specifically the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These measures will prevent discriminatory practices and policies and ensure that everyone has equal access to the ballot box. True patriotism is making it easier for everyone to vote.

We cannot allow lifetime politicians, like Senator Grassley, to undo the work of Dr. King. No one wants the Jim Crow 2.0-type laws the Republicans are pushing on entire sectors of society.

As a senator, I trust the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will solidify Dr. King’s legacy.

Thank you for being a part of the team that will defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue this November,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)