Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr's legacy in 2022

👑 Celebrating MLK in 2022 👑

Martin Luther King Jr picture with quote

Today we celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr., an iconic leader of the mass movement for civil rights in the 1950s and 60s.


MLK was a radical. A dangerous troublemaker in the eyes of the ruling class, he was harassed by the FBI and vilified by the corporate media. Despite adversity, he was one of the greatest orators in US history, and famously delivered his I Have A Dream speech at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Working tirelessly as a community organizer for decades, MLK led boycotts, marches, and campaigns to win desegregation, labor rights, and voting rights for millions of Black Americans.

In 1965, MLK wrote that he was inspired by Socialist Party leader and five-time presidential candidate Norman Thomas, "the bravest man I ever met." Dr. King told SCLC staff in 1966 that "There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism." He began organizing a Poor People's Campaign in 1968 to demand economic justice: a federal jobs guarantee and universal basic income for all Americans, $30 billion for anti-poverty programs and 500,000 new affordable housing units per year. But before this economic program could be won, MLK was assassinated while supporting the Memphis sanitation workers' strike. As Democratic Socialists we recognize the historic gains of the civil rights movement and we honor MLK's legacy by continuing to fight for economic justice today.


Today we're joining the annual MLK Day March in downtown Atlanta. We're meeting up with the labor contingent at the intersection of Peachtree Street and Baker Street at 1:15pm. Plan on attending? Sign up here and we'll get you plugged in!



🌹 Jan. 22: January General Meeting 🌹

ATL DSA General Meeting with Special Guest David Duhalde for a presentation on Chile's recent eletoral victory. Virtual only event. Saturday January 22, 2022 4:00PM EST. Sign up at atldsa.org/gm .

Join us for Atlanta DSA's January General Meeting! We'll hear the latest from our Chapter's campaigns and committees, discuss current events in the Chapter, and debate and vote on some resolutions submitted by members. Due to the recent surge in case of the Omicron variant of COVID, this month's general meeting will be entirely virtual using Zoom.

David Duhalde for a presentation on Chile's recent electoral victory. Saturday January 22, 2022 at 4:00PM EST. Sign up at atldsa.org/gm

This month's general meeting will feature guest speaker David Duhalde, DSA Fund Vice-Chair and DSA representative to the recent Chilean Presidential election. He'll report on the recent victory of socialist candidate Gabriel Boric in Chile. (Check out David's on-the-ground report for Jacobin in advance!) All members are encouraged to attend, and interested non-members are welcome!


❄️ Winter Clothing Distribution! ❄️

Thanks so much to everyone who donated to our winter drive over the last two months! This Saturday we handed out over 6 bags of clothes, jackets, shoes, warm socks, sweaters, toiletries, masks, and fifty handwarmers to folks in need down at Woodruff Park, before it snowed. As always thanks to the Atlanta Justice Alliance for holding down the fort every weekend making sure people get fed!


☕ Jan. 18: Grande Sindicato, Please ☕

Grande Sindicato, Please. Tuesday January 18th at 4 PST / 6 CST / 7 EST. Sponsored by the Restaurant Organizing Project. Featuring Starbucks and Coffee Shop Worker Organizers. Register: bit.ly/grandeunion

Workers in Buffalo won a union at Starbucks! On Tues. 1/18 at 7pm ET, join them & organizers from coffee shop unions around the country in a discussion hosted by national DSA's Restaurant Organizing Project about how they did it, why it matters, and what's next. Let’s unionize the coffee industry!


📚 Jan. 24: Capitalism 102 📚

Capitalism 102. Monday, January 24 2022. 6:00PM EST. Sign up at atldsa.org/capitalism102. ATL DSA

Join us for our second discussion workshop on Marx's "Wage Labour and Capital" on January 24, at 6:00 pm. 🌹


Together, we will unpack some fundamental questions about wages, prices, and capitalist exploitation. You can find and read Chapter 6 ("Relation of wage-labour to capital") to the end of Wage Labour and Capital or you can listen to the audio version.


RSVP: atldsa.org/capitalism102 ✏️


🌹 Jan. 24: Learn how to Organize Your Workplace 🌹

Every day, we hear about another comrade who has organized their workplace, is on a new organizing committee, or has filed for a union election. Many socialists who have been politicized outside the workplace are taking their politics and commitment to organizing back to their workplaces.


Join us for a conversation Monday, January 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM with socialist workplace organizers from the NYC DSA Labor Committee to see what has worked, what hasn’t, how being a socialist informs their approach to organizing, and what the role of DSA has been or could be.


📚 Jan. 29: Eat Drink & Be Marxist 📚

Eat, Drink and be Marxist. Illustrations of people drinking and conversing.

Join us at our virtual socialist social - Come for dinner, drink, and conversation. Enjoy comradeship and a brew with DSA and friends!

RSVP: atldsa.org/edbm ✏️


Looking for more?

Our chapter calendar at atldsa.org/calendar has even more meetings and events!