From Sharon Nazarian, ADL SVP of International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject How ADL Summits in Israel and US are building bridges
Date November 8, 2019 5:13 PM
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Dear John,

November is a month of learning at ADL! Our flagship
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Never Is Now event on 11/21 is the largest gathering to fight anti-Semitism in the world, and this week&rsquo;s Social Cohesion Summit held by our Israel office was an important event to promote unity there.

Each time I&rsquo;m in Israel these days, I&rsquo;m struck by the diversity I see. When I walk through Jerusalem&rsquo;s Liberty Bell Park, I see secular Israeli families, Muslim families and ultra-Orthodox families playing and picnicking. It&rsquo;s clear that real advances have been made in strengthening the fabric of Israel&rsquo;s civil society. Yet there&rsquo;s so much more that can be done.

This week, as ADL&rsquo;s SVP of International Affairs, I had the pleasure of leading an ADL delegation to Israel to experience those advances first-hand.

The highlight of our mission was participating in ADL&rsquo;s Israel Social Cohesion Summit, an annual conference which has become the most important platform for addressing Israel&rsquo;s thorniest social divisions. Almost 1,000 people attended, with the ultimate goal of making Israeli society a more inclusive one.

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The Summit brought together representatives from across Israeli society, including Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews, Settlers, Arabs, Russians, Ethiopians and Druze for important conversations about Israel&rsquo;s future, the goals they share and the challenges they face. We heard from MK Benny Gantz, the head of the Blue and White Party (who is being tasked to form the next government), about his vision for Israeli society as one in which cohesion does not mean uniformity but unity.

We were heartened by his strong message of inclusion, saying that all segments of world Jewry are &ldquo;a part of us, given that Israel is the national home of the Jewish people.&rdquo; Jewish Agency Chair Isaac Herzog was similarly inspiring in his strong commitment to the safety of Jewish communities worldwide. We also had the opportunity to hear from leaders of political parties including the Chair of Degel Hatorah, MK Moshe Gafni; the Chair of the Democratic Camp, MK Nitzan Horowitz; and the Chair of the New Right, MK Ayelet Shaked.

Panels addressed topics relating to Israel&rsquo;s shared society, including the status of Israeli Arabs, gender separation, social legitimacy for protests, and Israel&rsquo;s transgender and African communities.

Throughout the day, it was amazing to observe high school students &mdash; the country&rsquo;s future leaders &mdash; sitting down with politicians, businesspeople and the heads of organizations discussing challenges related to vital subjects like education, culture and social responsibility.

My work too often focuses on raising alarms about emergencies and problems in Jewish communities around the world. What I love about the Social Cohesion Summit is that we focus on the shared purpose of making Israel&rsquo;s democracy stronger. And it&rsquo;s ADL that is bringing them to the table.


And, in less than two weeks, ADL&rsquo;s fourth annual
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Never Is Now Summit, the world&rsquo;s largest event focused on fighting anti-Semitism and other forms of hate, will take place in New York.

At this event on November 21st, I will be involved in three sessions that I hope you&rsquo;ll join me for.

I am moderating two sessions:

- The first is about Iran and the threat it presents to Israel&rsquo;s survival, American security and Jewish communities worldwide, with US Special Representative for Iran Brian H. Hook and other experts.
- The second is about anti-Semitism as it&rsquo;s being experienced today by Jewish communities around the world, with prominent speakers from Europe and Latin America to provide first-hand insights.
I&rsquo;m also hosting a fascinating workshop where we&rsquo;ll discuss real-life examples that demonstrate when criticism of Israel crosses the line into anti-Semitism.

Underlying all of these issues is a common theme &mdash; the good fight for cohesion and against extremism and hatred. Helping people understand and accept each other is how we build a more peaceful, welcoming, diverse society.

I look forward to seeing you at
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Never Is Now.

Sharon Nazarian
SVP, International Affairs

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