Welcome to Monday, January 17th, dreamers...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a “day of service.”

Befitting the purpose-driven spirit of this day, we've highlighted ways to take action. While some are events specific to this day, resources and organizations that you can access and support any day of the year are also included. Here's a sample:

Educational Resources

Virtual and Local Events

Learn about more MLK Day resources and events here.

Environmental Racism & Climate Justice

In 1968, Dr. King traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to help lead a strike by Black sanitation workers who were protesting hazardous working conditions, in one of the first fights against environmental racism in the U.S. This pioneering event was also one of Dr. King’s last acts, as it was during that visit when he was tragically assassinated.

In a 2011 speech at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Program, Attorney General Eric Holder spoke about his impact:

“Dr. King., in addition to his many other achievements, helped to plant the seeds for what would become our nation’s now-thriving environmental justice movement.”

Today, we want to honor Dr. King’s ongoing fight for racial equality by highlighting climate justice as a civil rights issue and providing resources for how you can help.

Read more about environmental racism and climate justice here.

Ready to support environmental justice? Consider donating to Music 4 Climate Justice.

All the Memes Fit to Post




And, In The End...

You're great at something. Consider using it for the greater good today.

—Josh Herman

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