Team: You won’t want to miss this.

Right now, all across the country, immigrant students from high schools are walking out to show the Supreme Court and people in power in every state that we are unafraid and Here To Stay. Our members have organized walk-outs in California, Oklahoma, Florida, Arizona, Illinois, Washington, DC and more!

Click here to tune in now to watch ALL our national protests LIVE right now:


Massive protests to protect DACA and ALL immigrants like today are a show of our collective strength and a testament to how hard we will persevere when it comes to fighting for the lives of our undocumented and immigrant friends, family, and neighbors. Just in OKC, school officials have declared today DACA walkout day to support students making their voices heard!

Show your support online by sharing with your friends:


We should all be so hella proud and grateful for any and everyone who is participating in today’s walkouts, for anyone who has ever donated to fuel our work, or anyone who dares to create change in their own communities for the sake of vulnerable communities.

Thanks for all you do to support critical collective actions like today.

United We Dream
Rapid Response Team

PS: We’re driven by grassroots donors just like you and the folks who you see taking to the streets today. If you’re able, consider chipping in $10 or more today to help us ramp up our organizing efforts ahead of next week’s Supreme Court hearing:

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