Last month, I got to share some really incredible news with you all – Pam and I are having a baby! It’s been an absolute whirlwind, and I’m so grateful for the well wishes and advice you all sent our way… the diaper tips were duly noted.
We have a lot of “first” moments headed our way - first steps, first words (yes I will be putting my persuasion skills to use for Da-Da), and I can’t wait to share them all right next to Pam. There’s a lot of world to introduce our baby to, and it’s a bit overwhelming to think about all the lessons and values we want to teach our little one.
There’s also a lot of challenges in the years ahead that I’ll admit become a lot realer knowing I’m bringing a child into the world. The threat of climate change, our divided education system, even the threats to our democracy, take on new meaning.
As Pam and I eagerly await our new arrival, I’m continually grateful to have the opportunity to be in a position to push the levers of government for good. A lot of politicians spend time yelling on TV for a quick jolt of fame, but to be honest, that’s not really my thing. I know what will really mark my time in Congress is what I’m able to get done to make our kids’ lives just a bit easier, maybe even a bit more joyful.
So on that note, if you are able to chip in and help keep me in Congress fighting for that future, I’d be grateful. I hope you’ll join me.
All my best,