If we're finally going to flip New York's 1st District blue, after years of radical Republican representation, I really need your help, John.

Not this fall, but today, while we've still got plenty of time to prepare for the midterms.

Yesterday, my campaign set a goal of 200 donors by the end of the week, and we've still got a ways to go to make the mark. I need 146 grassroots supporters to step up and help me get ready for the midterms – can I count on you?
Kara Hahn Democrat for Congress 2022 Founding Donor Card
While Lee Zeldin (R) was busy aligning himself with Donald Trump and stoking division, I've been hard at work fighting for the working people and families that live on Long Island.

Now that Zeldin's decided to run for governor, we've got the clearest pathway we've ever had to take back our voice in Congress. Still, there's no shortage of individuals running on his extremist model.

If there's one thing Long Islanders cannot afford, it's another Lee Zeldin. Flipping this seat is about much more than defending our Democratic majority; it's about bringing honest and responsible representation back to our district – I know we can do that if we work together.

That's why I'm personally reaching out today, John. I need 146 more folks to become 2022 founding donors and set our movement up for a red to blue flip right here in NY's 1st District. Will chip in $5 or whatever you can today to help?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you, take care.

Kara Hahn


Kara Hahn is a lifelong Long Islander, social worker, county legislator, and candidate for Congress in NY-01. This open seat is a must win for Democrats to defend our majority in the House and continue driving progress in America, but we can't do it without your help. Make a recurring donation to sustain our movement for the long haul and send Kara to Congress!