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Hi John,

Amy sent a message on Friday sharing an important update about her work in the Senate, and we wanted to make sure you saw it.

There’s no doubt about it: From fighting for lower healthcare costs and climate action to working to protect abortion access and voting rights, there’s much to be done in 2022. But Amy is ready to do whatever it takes to deliver progress for the American people.

Amy’s work is powered by grassroots donors like you -- if you’re with her, will you make a quick contribution today to keep Amy fighting for us?

Thank you!

-- Team Klobuchar

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Amy Klobuchar
Subject: I’ll be honest: There’s a lot of work to do.

Hi -- now that we’re officially in the new year I wanted to give you a quick update on my work in the Senate. I’ll be honest: There’s a lot of work to do. So if you’re able, please consider making a quick donation to support my continued fight for progress.

Several states are trying to effectively ban abortion, which means we must protect women’s reproductive freedom by codifying Roe v. Wade. Climate change is becoming an increasingly grim reality for communities across the country and we must do something to address it. And we must work to bring down health care costs that are crushing so many families.

I firmly believe the FIRST thing the Senate must do in this new year is to protect our democracy by passing the Freedom to Vote Act because right now, we’re dealing with a slew of laws that have been passed throughout the country that make it harder for people to vote.

I've said it before and I’ll say it again: Defending voting rights is simply too important for us to put our heads in the sand, so we must do whatever it takes to get this critical legislation passed. If you agree, will you pitch in today to support my efforts to pass the Freedom to Vote Act?

I know it seems like a tall order, but I’m optimistic that 2022 can be a year we accomplish much for the American people -- if we get to work. I’m ready for the fight ahead, and I hope you’ll join me with a grassroots donation.

Thank you,



Klobuchar for Minnesota
P.O. Box 4146
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States

Contributions or gifts to Klobuchar for Minnesota are not tax-deductible.

Any contribution history information in this email is based on our digital contribution records associated with this email address. If you have donated with a different email address, via mail or in another way -- thank you so much! Your contribution is reflected in our files and we truly appreciate your support.

Paid for by Klobuchar for Minnesota
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