
Yesterday we faced our first mid-month deadline of the year. I’m happy to report that thousands of grassroots donors like you pushed us over our $100,000 goal. Thank you.

These goals and these deadlines are very real. We are running an efficient, streamlined, and issues-based campaign powered by grassroots donors like you. Iowa and I are counting on people like you.

Your support is crucial. I’m running for the U.S. Senate to represent people like my folks – everyday hardworking Iowans. My focus is on the voters here in Iowa and like-minded people like my folks, not the big bucks from a Super PAC.

Ruth and Joe Franken, Lebanon, Iowa, circa 1947

If we’re going to take on Big Pharma, rein in Wall Street, address the climate crisis, and actually pass progressive legislation, we must protect (and expand!) our Democratic majority in the Senate. That starts with defeating Chuck Grassley and turning Iowa blue this November.

I’m so grateful to have you on the team.

Thank you again,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)