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Weekend Edition, January 15-16, 2022


Student Resists, Refuses To Wear Suffocation Mask

Tom Woods

Who Will Save You From This Insane Tyranny? Only You Have the Power To Save Yourself

Gary D. Barnett

Separate Yourselves From Those Lacking Courage, Group Yourself With The Courageous

Allan Stevo

Dog Gone

James Howard Kunstler

Schools Shouldn’t Mandate the ‘Most Dangerous Vaccines in Human History’

Children’s Health Defense

The Not-Ultimatum

Observer R for the Saker

Insanity Rules in Washington

Paul Craig Roberts

Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears of Being Crushed Politically

Paul Joseph Watson

Before the Children of Pfizer

The Good Citizen

Boosters Are Over

Alex Berenson

Biden: Bull Connor’s GOP Imperils Democracy

Patrick J. Buchanan

Bombshell Admission — The Covid Tests Don’t Work

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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