Welcome, John. 

Thank you for signing on to our campaign to reclaim our democracy! 

In the face of the most expensive elections in U.S. history and the rising threat of unchecked corporate power, Free Speech For People is fighting back in defense of the promise of political equality for all and the bedrock principle of American self-government: of, by, and for the people.

The 2010 Citizens United ruling swept away a century of precedent that barred corporate money in our elections and it opened the floodgates to unlimited spending by big money interests in our political process. 

We need to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and defend our democracy!

Click the buttons below and ask your friends to join the movement. 


To restore our Republic, we are leading a growing national movement for a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to end the big money dominance of our elections and to ensure that people, not corporations, shall govern in America.  And, we are leading a parallel movement in the courts to challenge corporate misuse of power and to advance legal arguments grounded in the constitutional promise of our democracy. 

Our republican democracy is premised on that powerful vision that we, the people, rule.  That means all of us, not just the wealthy few, and not the corporations and big money interests.  

Help us get the word out about our historic work, and tell a friend about our campaign. 

Together, we can make history!  Thank you for standing with us!


John Bonifaz
Free Speech For People