Ilhan for Congress

Team —

Last I checked, the American people elected a Democratic majority to Congress.

Yet, thanks to Republicans’ abuse of the filibuster and two conservative Senate Democrats’ refusal to abolish it, so much of the progress tens of millions of people voted for is being blocked — including passing critical voting rights protections.

We don’t have time for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema’s games. Republicans in states including Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio are rigging the congressional maps in their favor — shutting out the voices of people of color and setting us up for a potentially disastrous midterm election.

We can’t let that happen. Our democracy matters too much. As a kid, my grandfather sparked my interest in politics when I acted as his translator at Minnesota’s Democratic caucuses. His stories about the importance of democracy and his eagerness to participate in it are why I stand in strong defense of it today.

My love for our democracy is why I voted alongside my fellow House Democrats to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, which would expand access to the ballot box and end partisan gerrymandering. Now it’s Senate Democrats’ turn to end the filibuster and take action on voting rights.

If you agree, join me in calling on Senate Democrats to finally end the filibuster and protect voting rights by signing More Perfect Union’s petition:


Thank you for speaking out.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar