350 Eastside Community Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 19th (third Wednesday of the month)
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88253304222?pwd=c2cweDNzMjN2dGFiTE9kS0Y5bkJIdz09
Agenda: We will be discussing the 2022 (short) legislative session, including ways to get involved!
Yes to EKC PUD
We've been very busy the last week finalizing, formatting, and prepping the Yes to EKC PUD petition, and we are so excited to be able to start collecting signatures next week!
Be the first to know when the petition goes live, follow our social media feeds (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and ask your friends to do the same. The more friends/followers we have, the bigger our platform and the more likely we are to show up on other people's feeds.
We have a slew of volunteer opportunities that will be posted soon on our Events page. You will be able to help us reach more voters by sending postcards, writing letters, waving signs, and doing no-knock canvassing. There will be opportunities to speak at City Council meetings, as well as submit letters to the editor. Get your writing utensils, stamps, and walking shoes ready.
Upcoming Events
· January 19, 7pm - Presentation at 5th LD Democrats monthly meeting
· January 22, 3pm – Presentation to Indivisible Eastside
· January 29, 10am - Public webinar about the campaign. Register here and invite friends!
350 Seattle
The annual MLK Community Workshop Series is taking place virtually.
We have a stellar lineup this year, reflecting this year's theme, “Truth in Education Now!”, along with workshops on issues centering BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) communities and strategies for community healing. There is no charge to attend.
Chicago Footwork: A Strategy for Education and Community Mental Health shares an approach to community healing developed by black youth in Chicago. Chicago Footwork uses dance, music and culture to foster black identity rooted in confidence and connection. Saturday, January 15th at 10 a.m. Registration Link
Many Fires This Time: We the 100 Million” follows poet and activist, A Scribe Called Quess?, as he connects with activist poets and communities they represent, fighting for equity and justice, from Chicago, Kentucky and Oakland to his hometown of New Orleans. Saturday, January 15th at noon. Note: Please watch the film associated with the workshop beforehand. Registration Link
Abolish Auto-Decline references state laws that allow the juvenile system to decline its jurisdiction over children charged with serious offenses, who are then tried in adult court. This webinar discusses strategies and solutions to ending Auto-Decline. Saturday, January 15th at 2 p.m. Registration Link
We hope you’ll join us for these offerings! Workshops will take place from Tuesday through Saturday of this week, January 11th - 15th. One workshop will be held at each of these times:
· Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at noon
· Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5 p.m.
· Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m.
· Friday at 5 p.m.
· Saturday at 10 a.m., 12 and 2 p.m.
Looking forward to having you join us! Questions? Most questions can be answered by clicking through the detailed description of each workshop. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected].
Wishing you a new year with good health, peace and truth at its core,
Katie Harris Shaudé Moore
MLK Workshop Committee Seattle MLK Organizing Coalition Chair
PS Workshops can be found at this link: https://www.seattlemlkcoalition.org/workshop-topics-2022
Renaissance (he/him)
350 Staff Collective & Campaigns Co-Director
I am a descendant of enslaved African Peoples brought to these lands during the first diaspora, of the Cherokee People, and Irish immigrants who migrated to these lands during the 1830s. I was raised, live and organize on occupied Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip, Muckleshoot, Stillaguamish and Coast Salish Peoples lands in the Pacific Northwest.
Energy Democracy and Empowerment webinar
Energy Democracy:
One of the unique opportunities from decarbonization is to reorganize the energy system to empower, support, and benefit communities. How can we achieve that goal? How do we create space for communities to imagine and contribute to debates about energy futures and find ways to diversify ownership of energy? How can we scale programs for national impact? This webinar addresses these questions.
350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT) Kick-off
What an incredible 350 WA Civic Action Team kickoff party we had this week with 100+ of us joining in from all across the state of Washington. It was wonderful to see so many returning faces, and we’re so excited to meet new people too!
The legislative session kicks off on January 10th and ends on March 11th. It's another virtual year with lots of remote advocacy options for making a difference from your home.
Together, we can exercise our advocacy muscles to make sure all of us here in Washington get the bold, just, and sound climate policy we need in the 2022 Washington State Legislature.
Enjoy the video & slides
350 WA Civic Action Team Campaign Kickoff Recording and Slides
Our soundtrack: Alabama Shakes - “Hold On”
Get Connected to the Action
Sign up as action takers: https://www.350wa.org/cat
Follow us on FB & IG:
o https://www.facebook.com/350WashingtonState
Check out our legislative priorities
350 WA CAT 2022 policy priorities
The full version 350 WA’s Mission and Values is available here: https://www.350wa.org/mission-and-values
Help spread the word!
Share about the 350 WA CAT campaign on social media to recruit more action takers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pk_4_r8kQnzsCq5Wx87Lp98Kx0tMRlcXio8BpN1PC-k/edit?usp=sharing
The climate crisis can feel very overwhelming, and it's so important for us to remember that we are part of a larger community who care and want to make a difference. We are eager to support you in your advocacy this year, and to remind you that you are not alone.
Share about the campaign with your friends, family, and neighbors and recruit them to take action alongside you!
Thank you all for being a part of our growing community of organizers and we’re looking forward to working together this year!
Katherine, David, Cha Cha, Josh, Grace, Melissa, and the whole 350 WA CAT crew!
P.S. interested in getting connected to the broader 350 organizing community across the PNW in 2022? You are invited to join our monthly community call on the 2nd Monday of each month @ 6-7:30pm. These regional conversation calls are open to all active organizers from 350.org-affiliated local groups in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana and are a place to join in conversation around our local and regional efforts to grow the movement for climate justice.
City of Bellevue MLK Virtual Health Fair
Monday, Jan. 17 from 10-11:30 am via Zoom, please help us in sharing this event with other community members. Below is the press release event info and event flyer in multiple languages. Thank you for all your support!
Press Release Info: https://bellevuewa.gov/city-news/bellevue-hosts-virtual-health-fair-mlk-day-2022
The City of Bellevue invites the public to register to attend the virtual 2022 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration and Health Fair. The Zoom event offers an opportunity to reflect, engage and take action in building a beloved, healthy and thriving Bellevue in the spirit of the Rev. King's legacy of equity and community.
The health fair will be hosted virtually on Monday, Jan. 17, 10-11:30 a.m. in partnership between the city and the Bellevue Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Register to attend the free virtual celebration.
Patrick Alina
Pronouns: he/him/his
Youth Link Program Coordinator
Bellevue Parks & Community Services
Office: 425-452-5254
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.youthlink.com
WA Can’t Wait Partners
Legislative Update
HB1099: This bill would add a climate element to the Growth Management Act, ensuring that Washington’s biggest counties are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and that everywhere in the state is planning for climate resiliency.
We’ve added some new critical environmental justice provisions to the bill. HB 1099 will build on the HEAL Act passed last year, namely that the Department of Commerce will use the HEAL Act screening in drafting the planning requirements and ensuring that local jurisdictions will prioritize marginalized communities (as defined in HEAL Act) as places to improve air quality.
HB 1099 will start on the House floor, before heading to the Senate. Once in the Senate, we expect an easier path than last year, with the bill working its way through the Housing and Local Government and Ways and Means Committees before reaching the Senate floor.
We’re feeling optimistic about our chances on this bill, but we can’t take anything for granted. We need your help to make sure Washington lawmakers know that this bill is a priority to pass in 2022. If we can pass HB 1099 this session, we can still make sure that the next round of comprehensive plan updates for King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties include planning for climate.
SB5042: Our other top campaign priority is passing SB 5042 to close the GMA sprawl loophole (also known as the vesting loophole) that allows harmful and unnecessary suburban sprawl to occur on valuable farms, forests, and critical habitat around the state. We’ve been working on this bill for 15 years and 2022 is the year we pass it! Need a refresher on this bill? Check out our Wonkabout Washington series, parts 1, and 2 in the Urbanist for a long version, or read on for the highlights:
· SB5042 is not just an environmental priority, but also a fiscal priority. Development built through the existing loopholes put a financial strain on jurisdictions to provide adequate infrastructure, facilities, and services to new developments that weren’t planned for.
· It is currently in Senate Rules, we are hoping to get it moved to the floor quickly for a floor vote, and then will head to the House where it will go through the House Local Government Committee.
· We need all hands-on deck to pass this bill, especially folks who live in districts with environmentally-minded legislators. This bill faces steep opposition from the Building Industry Association of Washington and the realtors who have a vested interest in advancing sprawling developments. We need to see leadership from progressive legislators who can champion closing this loophole.
· Budget/Funding: We’ve had some good news from the governor’s office on the budget front. Currently, the supplemental budget has $19.3 million earmarked for GMA planning, including funding for HB 1099 and HB 1220 (our housing justice GMA update passed last year). That’s great news! We’re still advocating for additional funding for HB 1220 that would fund community-based organizations to participate in the planning process. Overall though we are off to a great start on the numbers front.
Calls to Action:
We have two exciting advocacy events coming up that I would love your help to share out with your peeps. Below are blurbs and registration links for each event that could be shared via email, template social media posts that you can edit as you see fit to post on your accounts (graphics attached), and links to our social media posts that you can simply re-share. Let me know if you have any questions or want more resources!
SB 5042 Educational Event and Text Bank
When: Wednesday, January 19th from 6-7:30 PM
What: We invite you to join the WA Can't Wait Campaign, Washington Environmental Council, and the WA Sierra Club for a night of SB5042 education and advocacy. Learn more about the 'sprawl loophole', the impacts it has had on our state, and what it will take to pass SB5042 in 2022. Then, we will text bank constituents in key legislative districts across the state, asking them to take easy actions to ask their legislators to vote YES on SB5042.
Registration Link: https://futurewise.salsalabs.org/SB5042EventandTextBank
HB 1099 Educational Event and Text Bank
When: Wednesday, January 26th from 6-7:30 PM
What: We invite you to join the WA Can't Wait Campaign, the WA Sierra Club, and Washington Environmental Council for a night of HB 1099 education and advocacy. Learn more about what the climate crisis looks like in Washington, and how adding climate change requirements to the GMA will help get us closer to a healthy and resilient future for all. Then, join us to text bank constituents in key legislative districts across the state, asking them to take easy actions to ask their legislators to vote YES on HB1099.
Registration Link: https://futurewise.salsalabs.org/HB1099EventandTextBank
A reminder that you can find everything you need to help us advocate in our Advocacy Guide (also attached). We will also be updating where each bill is in the Legislative process on our WA Can’t Wait Bill Tracker Page, so that will be a good resource to keep handy as the session speeds ahead.
Here’s to the start of a successful session!
Jamie Ptacek (she/her)
Lead Field Organizer – Futurewise
Friends of Sammamish Valley
We hope you took a moment to celebrate after receiving the announcement in our January 5 email that the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) invalidated the Adult Beverage Ordinance for lack of compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the Growth Management Act (GMA). This is a massive win!!!
As promised, more detailed information on the GMHB Final Decision and Order (FDO) is now available on the FoSV website.
· The joint press release from FoSV and Futurewise on the FDO is here.
· A 3 ½ page document containing a brief summary of the FDO and key talking points is here. We encourage anyone who is making public statements to please read this first.
· A 6 ½ page document summarizing the entire FDO is here. Written in understandable English for non-legal folks, it highlights the arguments we made, articulates what the Board decided, and goes on to include direct text quotes from the Board to the County. For anyone who is passionate about our effort, this document is for you. The Board gave the County a major smack-down on many fronts, made it clear it heard our arguments, and saw through several outrageous County claims. Untangling all the legalese in the 55-page FDO and summarizing it in human readable form was a Herculean task. Many thanks to our volunteer land use attorneys for providing this document and for the insane number of hours they have dedicated to our collective cause! If you know them, please thank them.
What's Next
The County must decide whether to appeal. For a long list of reasons, we are hopeful they won’t appeal and will work with us to put in place adult beverage legislation that addresses legitimate County concerns, protects rural and resource lands, and complies with state law. More information on this step will become available shortly.
Laws are useless unless they are followed. The real fight is about prohibiting the small number of individuals who believe they are above the law from setting up commercial, urban-use retail operations on less expensive protected resource and rural lands. So here is a quick code enforcement status update...
· Good Brewing Taproom, operating at 14701 148th Ave NE in the Rural Area, was ordered closed by King County no later than Dec 31, and they have complied. The Tenhulzen Remodeling contractor office headquarters, located on the same property, was also ordered closed by King County no later than Dec 31. It is not yet clear if Mr. Tenhulzen has complied. We are following up.
· Rooster Bakery and Cafe, operating on APD farmland at 16507 140th Pl NE, was ordered closed by KC Superior Court. Legal efforts are afoot to remove the coffee shop owners, who have continued squatting on the property that they formerly owned. They lost ownership of the property in a separate court case, and it is now owned by someone else. We’re closely following this action.
· Now that the Board has released their final decision and order, we hope the remaining violators - Matthews, Chateau Lill, Feliciana, Cougar Crest, Cave B, Forgeron, and Sky Mead - will see the writing on the wall and do the right thing. But FoSV will continue to work diligently with King County until our Sammamish Valley violators come into compliance or move their businesses to zones that allow urban use retail activities.
We greatly appreciate all the feedback we heard from your regarding the GMHB decision. Please keep sending feedback and questions to contact@friendsofsammamishvalley. We will update our talking points and send further email to answer your questions as more information becomes available.
Thank you again for a heroic team effort. Together we did it!
- The Friends of Sammamish Valley Team
Together, change is possible!
In solidarity,
Emily, Lin, Lynn, Marilyn, Phil, and Sara
350 Eastside